57APPENDIX A — WSHP SCREEN OPEN CONFIGURATION (cont)LEGENDSCREEN NAME POINT NAME PASSWORDLEVEL EDITABLE RANGE DEFAULT NOTESConfigurationUnitConfigurationFan ModeAdmin Passwordlevel access onlyX Auto/Continuous/Always On ContinuousAuto= Intermittant operation during bothoccupied and unoccupied periods/Continuous = Intermittant during unoccupiedperiods and continuous during occupiedperiods/Always on = fan operatescontinuously during both occupied andunoccupied periodsFan On Delay X 0 - 30 sec 10 sec Defines the delay time before the fan beginsto operate after heating or cooling is startedFan Off Delay X 0 - 180 sec 45 secDefines the amount of time the fan willcontinue to operate after heating orcooling is stoppedHeating Enable X Disable/Enable Enable Provides capability to manuallydisable heating operationCooling Enable X Disable/Enable Enable Provides capability to manuallydisable cooling operationMinimum SAT inCooling X 40 - 60 F 50 F Defines the minimum acceptable operatingtemperature for the Supply AirMaximum SAT inHeating X 80 - 140 F 110 F Defines the maximum acceptable operatingtemperature for the Supply AirDamper VentilationPosition X 0 - 100% 100%Normally set to 100% if 2 position dampertype or set to minimum ventilation position ifdamper type = DCVDCV Maximum VentPosition X 0 - 100% 100% Usually set at 100% - Used to limit maximumdamper opening in DCV modeFilter Alarm Timer X 0 - 9999 hrs 0 hrs Disables Filter Alarm if set to 0Pushbutton Override X Disable/Enable Enable Enables Override Feature on Rnet sensorSPT Sensor Set PointAdjustment X Disable/Enable Enable Enables Set Point adjustment capabilityon Rnet SensorLockout Cooling ifOAT < X -65 - 80 F -65 FCooling is locked out when OAT is less thanconfigured value and OAT is actively beingbroadcastLockout Heating ifOAT > X 35 - 150 F 150 FHeating is locked out when OAT is greaterthan configured value and OAT is activelybeing broadcastPower Fail RestartDelay X 0 - 600 sec 60 sec Delay before equipment startsOccupancy Schedules X Disable/Enable Enable Enables unit occupiedSet Point Separation X 2 - 9 F 4 F Used to enforce minimumset point separationConfigurationServiceTestTest ModeAdmin Passwordlevel access onlyX Disable/Enable Disable Used to enable test mode. Will automaticallyreset to disable after 1 hourFan Test X Disable/Enable DisableUsed to test all fan speeds. Sequences fanfrom low to high and operates each speed for1 minute. Resets to disable on completionFan Speed Off/Low Speed/MediumSpeed/High Speed/On Displays current fan operationCompressor Test X Disable/Enable DisableUsed to test compressor cooling and heatingoperation. Sequences cooling stage 1, thenstage 2, then heating stage 2 and reducescapacity to stage 1. Operates for 1 minute perstep. Resets to disable on completion.Dehumidification Test X Disable/Enable DisableUsed to test dehumification mode -Operates for 2 minutes. Resets todisable on completion.Testing CompressorInactive/Heating/Cooling/Dehumidify/TimeGardWaitDisplays compressor test modeAux Heating Test X Disable/Enable DisableUsed to test auxiliary heat.Sequences fan on and enablesheating coil for 1 minute. Resets todisable on completionH 2 O Economizer Test X Disable/Enable DisableUsed to test entering/return air water loopeconomizer coil operation. Sequences fan onand opens economizer coil water valve for 1minute. Resets to disable on completionPreposition OADamper X Disable/Enable Disable Used to preposition OA damperactuator to set proper preloadOpen VentDamper 100% X Disable/Enable Disable Used to test OA damper operationSAT F Displays SATLCWT F Displays Leaving CondenserWater Temperature BAS — Building Automation SystemDCV — Demand Controlled VentilationIAQ — Indoor Air QualityOAT — Outdoor Air TemperatureRH — Relative HumiditySAT — Supply Air TemperatureSPT — Space TemperatureTPI — Third Party Integration