8Step 2 — Check Unit — Upon receipt of shipment atthe jobsite, carefully check the shipment against the bill oflading. Make sure all units have been received. Inspect the car-ton or crating of each unit, and inspect each unit for damage.Ensure the shipping company makes proper notation of anyshortages or damage on all copies of the freight bill. Concealeddamage not discovered during unloading must be reported tothe shipping company within 15 days of receipt of shipment.NOTE: It is the responsibility of the purchaser to file allnecessary claims with the shipping company.1. Be sure that the location chosen for unit installation pro-vides ambient temperatures maintained above freezing.Well water applications are especially susceptible tofreezing.2. Be sure the installation location is isolated from sleepingareas, private offices and other acoustically sensitivespaces.NOTE: A sound control accessory package may be usedto help eliminate sound in sensitive spaces.3. Check local codes to be sure a secondary drain pan is notrequired under the unit.4. Be sure unit is mounted at a height sufficient to providean adequate slope of the condensate lines. If an appropri-ate slope cannot be achieved, a field-supplied condensatepump may be required.5. Provide sufficient space for duct connection. Do notallow the weight of the ductwork to rest on the unit.6. Provide adequate clearance for filter replacement anddrain pan cleaning. Do not allow piping, conduit, etc. toblock filter access.7. Provide sufficient access to allow maintenance andservicing of the fan and fan motor, compressor and coils.Removal of the entire unit from the closet should not benecessary.8. Provide an unobstructed path to the unit within the closetor mechanical room. Space should be sufficient to allowremoval of unit if necessary.9. Provide ready access to water valves and fittings, andscrewdriver access to unit side panels, discharge collar,and all electrical connections.10. Where access to side panels is limited, pre-removal of thecontrol box side mounting screws may be necessary forfuture servicing.STORAGE — If the equipment is not needed immediately atthe jobsite, it should be left in its shipping carton and stored in aclean, dry area of the building or in a warehouse. Units must bestored in an upright position at all times. If carton stacking isnecessary, stack units a maximum of 3 cartons high. Do not re-move any equipment from its shipping package until it is need-ed for installation.PROTECTION — Once the units are properly positioned onthe jobsite, cover them with either a shipping carton, vinyl film,or an equivalent protective covering. Cap open ends of pipesstored on the jobsite. This precaution is especially important inareas where painting, plastering, or spraying of fireproof mate-rial, etc. is not yet complete. Foreign material that accumulateswithin the units can prevent proper start-up and necessitatecostly clean-up operations.Before installing any of the system components, be sure toexamine each pipe, fitting, and valve, and remove any dirt orforeign material found in or on these components.INSPECT UNIT — To prepare the unit for installation, com-plete the procedures listed below:1. Compare the electrical data on the unit nameplate withordering and shipping information to verify that thecorrect unit has been shipped.2. Do not remove the packaging until the unit is ready forinstallation.3. Verify that the unit’s refrigerant tubing is free of kinks ordents, and that it does not touch other unit components.4. Inspect all electrical connections. Be sure connections areclean and tight at their terminations.5. Remove any blower support cardboard from inlet of theblower.6. Locate and verify any accessory kit located in compressorand/or blower section.7. Remove any access panel screws that may be difficult toremove once unit is installed.Step 3 — Locate Unit — The following guidelinesshould be considered when choosing a location for a WSHP:• Units are for indoor use only.• Locate in areas where ambient temperatures are between39 F and 102 F and relative humidity is no greater than75%.• Provide sufficient space for water, electrical and ductconnections.• Locate unit in an area that allows easy access and removalof filter and access panels.• Allow enough space for service personnel to performmaintenance.• Return air must be able to freely enter the space if unit needsto be installed in a confined area such as a closet.Step 4 — Install Drywall — All rough-in instructionsand drawings are designed for a single layer of 5/8 in. thick dry-wall. Refer to Fig. 6. Rough-in dimensions will be affected ifdrywall thickness is different than 5/8 in., the return panel willnot fit snugly to the wall and form a tight seal. Install drywallusing conventional construction methods. Drywall cannot befastened to the studs with adhesive alone; a mechanical fasten-er such as drywall screws must be used.Vacuum all drywall dust and construction debris from coils,drain pans and blower discharge plenum after cutting out sup-ply and return holes for grilles. When installation is complete,cover cabinet supply and return air openings.Do not allow paint or wall texture over-spray to contact coil,fan or other unit components. Warranties are void if paint orother foreign debris is allowed to contaminate internal unitcomponents.Step 5 — Install Cabinet and RiserSYSTEM PIPING ARRANGEMENTS — Figure 7 showssome of the common piping layouts for water source heatpumps. 2-pipe systems are depicted but the same methods canbe applied to 4-pipe systems.CAUTIONDO NOT store or install units in corrosive environments orin locations subject to temperature or humidity extremes(e.g., attics, garages, rooftops, etc.). Corrosive conditionsand high temperature or humidity can significantly reduceperformance, reliability, and service life. Always moveunits in an upright position. Tilting units on their sides maycause equipment damage.