7ZONE SERVICEVALVEREDUCED PRESSUREBACKFLOW PREVENTERZONE SERVICEVALVEZONE SERVICEVALVERETURN FROMZONESFEEDWATERGATE VALVEZONE SERVICE VALVESUPPLY TOZONESFLOW CHECK VALVECIRCULATORSCAN VENTEXPANSION TANKFLOW CHECKVALVEPRESSUREREDUCING VALVENOTE: When zoning with circulators, the furnished circulator pump shouldbe used as one of the zone pumps. Each stripped end of the electrical wiresfor the circulator pump inside the junction box should be taped or wirednutted to prevent short circuits. Unplug the circulator pump wiring at theintegrated boiler control.A04052Fig. 4 --- Multizone Boiler Piping with Circulators3. Combustion air and vent piping connections on boiler are2”, but must increase to ( 3”). Due to potential for flue gastemperatures over 155_F, the first 5 feet of vent pipe mustbe CPVC, the remaining vent pipe can be PVC. If anyelbows are employed within the first 2--1/2 feet of vent,they must be CPVC. Two -- 30” pieces of 2” CPVC pipeand one -- 2” CPVC coupling are furnished with the boiler.NOTE: The exhaust transition from 2” pipe to 3” pipe must bemade in a vertical run. Transition pieces not included. (See Fig.13.)Combustion and Vent Pipe LengthsThe length of pipe is counted from the boiler jacket (air intakepipe) or from vent tee (vent pipe). The first five feet of “TotalEquivalent Length” of vent pipe must be CPVC.Boiler Size 3” Pipe Min.Venting3” Pipe Max.125--- 200 6 ft in length +4--- 90_ elbows60 ft in length andup to 4--- 90_elbowsReduce the maximum vent length 5 feet per each additionalelbow.1. Combustion air and vent piping to be pitched back toboiler at minimum 1/4” per foot from intake and ventterminals so that all moisture in combustion air and ventpiping drains to boiler. Pipes must be pitched continuouslywith no sags or low spots where moisture can accumulateand block the flow of air or flue gas. Combustion air andvent pipes must be airtight and watertight.PRESSURERELIEF DEVICEA04053Fig. 5 --- Relief Valve Discharge Piping2. Consideration for the following should be used whendetermining an appropriate location for termination ofcombustion air and vent piping:a. Comply with all clearances required as stated inparagraph 3 below.b. Termination should be positioned where vent vaporswill not damage plants/shrubs or air conditioningequipment.c. Termination should be positioned so that it will not beaffected by wind eddy, airborne leaves, snow, orrecirculated flue gases.d. Termination should be positioned where it will not besubjected to potential damage by foreign objects, suchas stones, balls, etc.e. Termination should be positioned where vent vaporsare not objectionable.f. Put vent on a wall away from the prevailing winterwind. Locate or guard the vent to prevent accidentalcontact with people or pets.g. Terminate the vent above normal snowline. Avoidlocations where snow may drift and block the vent. Iceor snow may cause the boiler to shut down if the ventbecomes obstructed.h. Under certain conditions, flue gas will condense,forming moisture, and may be corrosive. In such cases,steps should be taken to prevent building materials atthe vent from being damaged by exhaust of flue gas.