12Single phase units:1. Run the high--voltage (L1, L2) and ground lead into thecontrol box.2. Connect ground lead to chassis ground connection.3. Locate the black and yellow wires connected to the line sideof the contactor (if equipped).4. Connect field L1 to black wire on connection 11 of thecompressor contactor.5. Connect field wire L2 to yellow wire on connection 23 ofthe compressor contactor.Three--phase units:1. Run the high--voltage (L1, L2, L3) and ground lead into thecontrol box.2. Connect ground lead to chassis ground connection.3. Locate the black and yellow wires connected to the line sideof the contactor (if equipped).4. Connect field L1 to black wire on connection 11 of thecompressor contactor.5. Connect field wire L3 to yellow wire on connection 13 ofthe compressor contactor.6. Connect field wire L2 to blue wire from compressor.Special Procedures for 208--v OperationELECTRICAL SHOCK HAZARDFailure to follow this warning could result in personalinjury or death.Make sure the power supply to the unit is switched OFF andinstall lockout tag. before making any wiring changes. Withdisconnect switch open, move black wire from transformer(3/16 in. [4.8 mm]) terminal marked 230 to terminal marked208. This retaps transformer to primary voltage of 208 vac.! WARNINGELECTRICAL SHOCK FIRE/EXPLOSION HAZARDFailure to follow this warning could result in personalinjury or death and property damage.Before making any wiring changes, make sure the gassupply is switched off first. Then switch off the powersupply to the unit and install lockout tag.! WARNINGControl Voltage ConnectionsDo not use any type of power--stealing thermostat. Unit controlproblems may result.Use no. 18 American Wire Gage (AWG) color--coded, insulated(35_C minimum) wires to make the control voltage connectionsbetween the thermostat and the unit. If the thermostat is locatedmore than 100 ft (30.5 m) from the unit (as measured along thecontrol voltage wires), use no. 16 AWG color--coded, insulated(35_C minimum) wires.Standard ConnectionRun the low--voltage leads from the thermostat, through the inlethole, and into unit low--voltage splice box.Locate six (seven for 3--phase) 18--gage wires leaving control box.These low--voltage connection leads can be identified by the colorsred, green, yellow, brown, blue, and white (See Fig. 10). A graywire is standard on 3--phase units for connection to an economizer.Ensure the leads are long enough to be routed into the low--voltagesplice box (located below right side of control box). Route leadsthrough hole in bottom of control box and make low--voltageconnections (See Fig. 10). Secure all cut wires, so that they do notinterfere with operation of unit.POWERSUPPLYFIELD-SUPPLIEDFUSED DISCONNECTHIGH VOLTAGEPOWER LEADS(SEE UNIT WIRINGLABEL)EQUIP GR3-PHASE SHOWN1-PHASE USESTWO POWERLEADSCONTROL BOXSPLICE BOXLOW-VOLTAGEPOWER LEADS(SEE UNITWIRING LABEL)WYGRCWHT(W1)YEL(Y)GRN(G)RED(R)BRN(C)THERMOSTAT(TYPICAL)DHBLU(DH)GRA(Y2) 3-PhaseOnlyA09053Fig. 10 -- High-- and Control--Voltage ConnectionsHeat Anticipator Setting (Electro--MechanicalThermostats only)The room thermostat heat anticipator must be properly adjusted toensure proper heating performance. Set the heat anticipator, usingan ammeter between the W and R terminals to determine the exactrequired setting.NOTE: For thermostat selection purposes, use 0.18 amp for theapproximate required setting. Failure to make a proper heatanticipator adjustment will result in improper operation, discomfortto the occupants of the conditioned space, and inefficient energyutilization; however, the required setting may be changed slightlyto provide a greater degree of comfort for a particular installation.Transformer ProtectionThe transformer is of the energy--limiting type, however a directshort will likely blow a secondary fuse. If an overload or short ispresent, correct overload condition and check for blown fuse onIndoor Fan board or Integrated Gas Controller. Replace fuse asrequired with correct size and rating.48ES-- A