Table of ContentsFront Panel .......................................................................................2Display..............................................................................................3Selecting the Heat or Cool Mode ........................................................5Basic Operation .................................................................................9Advanced Setup ..............................................................................10About Advanced Features & Operation .............................................16This equipment has been tested and found to complywith the limits for a Class A digital device pursuant toPart 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits aredesigned to provide reasonable protection againstharmful interference when this equipment isoperated in a commercial environment. Thisequipmentgenerates, uses, and can radiate radio frequencyenergy and, if not installed and used in accordancewith the instruction manual, may cause harmfulinterference to radio communications. Operation ofthis equipment in a residential area is likely to causeharmful interference, in which case the userwill be required to correct the interference at his/herown expense.This Class (A) digital apparatus meetsall the requirements of the CanadianInterference-Causing EquipmentRegulations.Cet appareil numérique de la Classe(A) respecte toutes les exigences duR`eglement sur le matériel brouilleurdu Canada.Follow Installation Instructions carefully. DisconnectPower to the Heater/Air Conditioner before removingthe old thermostat and installing the new thermostat.CAUTIONIMPORTANTNorth American Emissions ComplianceUnited States Canada© Copyright 2014, All Rights Reserved P/N 33CSSN3-FC1