26equipment to dissipate the motor heat as perthe following formula:Btuh = (FLkW motor) (0.05) (3413)Btuh = (FLkW motor) (171)and, alternatelyTons = Btuh/12,000The additional piping, valves, air-handlingequipment, insulation, wiring, switchgearchanges, ductwork, and coordination with othertrades shall be the responsibility of the mechan-ical contractor. Shop drawings reflecting anychanges to the design shall be included in thesubmittal, and incorporated into the final as-built drawings for the project.8. Also, if an open motor is provided, a mechani-cal room thermostat shall be provided and setat 104 F (40 C). If this temperature isexceeded, the chillers shall shut down and analarm signal shall be generated to the centralEnergy Management System (EMS) displaymodule, prompting the service personnel todiagnose and repair the cause of the overtem-perature condition. The mechanical contractorshall be responsible for all changes to thedesign, including coordination with temperaturecontrol, electrical and other trades. In addition,the electrical power consumption of any auxil-iary ventilation and/or mechanical coolingrequired to maintain the mechanical room con-ditions stated above shall be considered in thedetermination of conformance to the scheduledchiller energy efficiency requirement.D. Unit-Mounted Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) withBuilt-In Harmonic LiquiFlo™ II Filter:The compressor shall be factory-mounted, factory-wired and factory-tested prior to shipment by thechiller manufacturer. All interconnecting wiring andpiping between the VFD and the chiller shall befactory-installed. Customer electrical connection forcompressor motor power shall be limited to mainpower leads to the VFD, and wiring liquid pumpsand tower fans to the chiller control circuit. TheVFD shall incorporate the following features:1. Design:a. The VFD shall be refrigerant cooled,microprocessor based, pulse width modu-lated design. Water cooled designs are notacceptable.b. Input and output power devices shall beInsulated Gate Bipolar Transistors (IGBTs).c. Rectifier shall convert incoming fixed volt-age/frequency to fixed DC voltage.d. Transistorized inverter and control regulatorshall convert fixed DC voltage to a sinusoidalPWM waveform.e. Low voltage control sections and mainpower sections shall be physically isolated.f. Integrated controls shall coordinate motorspeed to optimize chiller performance over awide variety of operating conditions.2. Enclosure:a. Pre-painted unit mounted, NEMA 1 cabinetshall include hinged, lockable doors andremovable lifting lugs.b. The VFD shall have a short circuit interruptand withstand rating of at least 65,000 amps.c. Provisions to padlock main disconnect han-dle in the “Off” positions shall be provided.Mechanical interlock to prevent openingcabinet door with disconnect in the “On”position or moving disconnect to the “On”position while the door is open shall beprovided.d. Provisions shall be made for top entry ofincoming line power cables.3. Heat Sink:a. The heat sink shall be refrigerant cooled.Heat sink and mating flanges shall be suit-able for ASME design working pressure of185 psig (1276 kPa).b. Refrigerant cooling shall be metered tomaintain heat sink temperature withinacceptable limits for ambient temperature.4. VFD Rating:a. Drive shall be suitable for operation at name-plate voltage ±10%.b. Drive shall be suitable for continuous opera-tion at 100% of nameplate amps and 150%of nameplate amps for 5 seconds.c. Drive shall comply with applicable ANSI,NEMA, UL and NEC standards.d. Drive shall be suitable for operation in ambienttemperatures between 40 and 122 F (4 and50 C), 95% humidity (non-condensing) foraltitudes up to 6000 ft (1829 m) above sealevel. Specific drive performance at jobsiteambient temperature and elevation shall beprovided by the manufacturer in the bid.5. User Interface:A single display shall provide interface for pro-gramming and display of VFD and chillerparameters. Viewable parameters include:a. Operating, configuration and fault messagesb. Frequency in hertzc. Load and line side voltage and current (at theVFD)d. kWe. IGBT temperature6. VFD Performance:a. The VFD Voltage Total Harmonic Distortion(THD) and Harmonic Current Total DemandDistortion (TDD) shall not exceed IEEE-519requirements using the VFD circuit breakerGuide specifications (cont)