11Table 6 — Field Configured Chiller OptionsTable 7 — Fan Staging Settings for Air Cooled (30GX) UnitsLEGENDSCT — Saturated Condensing TemperatureWATER-COOLED UNITS (30HXC) — The 30HXC chillerscan be configured to control direct or reverse-acting watervalves that are controlled by a 4 to 20 mA signal. A 2 to10 vdcsignal can be used by installing a 500-ohm 1/2 watt resistoracross the 2 output terminals of the 4 to 20 mA signal. The 4 to20 mA control scheme reads the saturated condensing temper-ature and uses a PID (proportional integral deriative) loop tocontrol the head pressure. Proportional, Integral and Derivativegain parameters for the water cooled controls are adjustableand can be found in the Service subfunction. Checkout andadjustment of the PID loop should only be performed by certi-fied Carrier Comfort Network technicians.CONDENSERLESS UNITS (30HXA) — The remote con-denser fans are controlled by 2 relays with the 30HXA controlbox. See Field Wiring section on page 73 for wiring details.The 30HXA control must be configured to turn the 09DK fanson and/or off. To set the 30HXA control for this configurationUnit Type under must be changed to 3 (Split System).Next, under , Head Pressure Control Type must bechanged to 1 (Air Cooled), and Condenser Pump control mustbe set to 0 (Not Controlled).The 30HXA control does not support a 4 to 20 mA or a 2 to10 vdc output for fan speed control. Instead, head pressure con-trol is accomplished with fan cycling pressure switches(09DK054-094), temperature switches (09DK044, 074-094)and Motormaster control. Motormaster and Motormaster IIIcontrol is used with temperature sensor input to control con-denser fan speed. See accessory installation instructions forfurther information.09DK CONDENSING UNITS09DK044 Units — The 09DK044 units have accessory provi-sion for fully automatic intermediate-season head pressurecontrol through condenser fan cycling. Fan number 2 and 3cycling is controlled by outdoor-air temperature through airtemperature switches (ATS) 1 and 2.The air temperature switches are located in the lower divid-er panel underneath the coil header. The sensing element is ex-posed to air entering the no. 1 fan compartment through a holein the panel. Fan no. 1 is non-cycling.The air temperature switch controls the fans as shown inTable 9.09DK054-094 — The capacity of an air-cooled condenser in-creases with increased temperature difference (defined as satu-rated condenser temperature minus entering outdoor-air tem-perature) and decreases with decreased temperature difference.A drop in entering outdoor-air temperature results in a lowersaturated condensing temperature. When outdoor-air tempera-ture drops below the minimum temperature for standard units,additional head pressure control is required.Model 09DK units have fully automatic intermediate-season head pressure control through condenser fan cyclingusing electromechanical fan cycling controls. Standard headpressure controls regulate the 100 and 50/50% condensercapacity applications. Head pressure can also be controlledby fan cycling controls supplemented by the accessoryMotormaster III solid-state head pressure control. See Motor-master III installation instructions for more information.In the standard control scheme, fans 1 and 2 are on whenthere is a call for cooling from the respective coil circuits. Fans1 and 2 are non-cycling. On 054 and 064 units, fans 3 and 4 arecontrolled by using a fan cycling pressure switch on each of theprimary coil circuits in response to condensing pressure. On074-094 units, fans 3 and 4 are controlled using a fan cyclingpressure switch in each of the primary coil circuits in responseto condensing pressure. Fans 5 and 6 are controlled by usingtwo air temperature switches, which respond to the outdoorambient temperature. The air temperature switches are locatedon the control box shelf.UNIT CONFIGURATION OPTION DESCRIPTION HSIO LOCATION FACTORY CONFIGURED?30GXFan Staging Select Air cooled staging method Yes. See Table 7Motormaster® Control Select Applies to air cooled units only Yes. 0 = NoneSet to 1 to enable (Motormaster only)30HXC Water Valve Type Applies to water cooled unit onlyYes. 0 = NoneSet to 1 = 4 to 20 mA, 2 = 2 to 10 V,3 = 20 to 4 mA, 4 = 10 to 2 VUNIT 30GX DESCRIPTION OPTION NUMBER HSIO DISPLAY080-105 1st stage compressor status and SCT set point2nd stage common control based on highest SCT 12 Com_1cmp106-125 1st stage compressor status and SCT set point2nd and 3rd stage common control based on highest SCT 14 Com_2cmp136, 150, 160 1st stage compressor status and SCT set point2nd through 4th stage common control based on highest SCT 16 Com_3cmp151, 161, 175,205, 2251st stage each circuit, compressor status2nd stage Circuit B independent2nd and 3rd stage Circuit A independent 7 A2B1_stg176 1st stage each circuit, compressor status2nd and 3rd stage each circuit independent 3 Ind_2stg206, 226, 2501st stage each circuit, compressor status2nd stage Circuit B independent2nd, 3rd and 4th stage Circuit A independent9 A3B2_cmp251-350 1st stage each circuit, compressor status2nd, 3rd and 4th stage each circuit independent 5 Ind_3stg