2. Press the TIMER button. Each time the button is pressedthe next Start or Stop set thne appears on the display. SeeFig. 6.3. Press UP/DOWN button to set the time.4. To set another time period, press the TIMER SET buttonto go to another time period and repeat steps 2 and 3above.5. Press the SET button to set the displayed time when done.See Fig. 7.NOTE: If changes are not made within 10 secoMs, the remotecontrol will return to its previous display. To correct an error,the progrmnmed Thner settings must be cancelled and re-entered. See Canceling Daily Timer section.Sleep Timer The Sleep Thner function allows the desiredtemperature to be updated while the occupant is sleeping. Thetemperature in the room air gradually rises until this time peri-od is exited. The unit will then return to the previous tempera-ture set. To set the Sleep Timer, follow the steps below:1. Slide down tiont cover of controller below ON/OFF but-ton. See Fig. 4.2. Press the TIMER button until Sleep function is reached.3. Select the "SLEEP" thner period.4. Press UP/DOWN button to set the start thne and pressTimer button to set stop time.5. Press the SET button to set the display time when done.See Fig. 8.Settin_ Daily Timer Time periods can be programmed tooperate the system at set times during a 24-hour period. Thistimer function can be used for all 3 thne periods and sleep peri-od described above.NOTE: The daily timer operates only when there is a directline of sight between the controller and the unit.1. Slide down fiont cover of controller below ON/OFF but-ton. See Fig. 4.2. Press the TIMER button to select the time period that wiltbe activated daily.3. Press and hold the SET button until the word "DAILY"appears on the display. See Fig. 9.4. Press the SET button again to confirm the daily operationtbr the selected time period. Be sure to point remote con-trol toward the unit while pressing the SET button.Fig. 6 -- Timer Display Set Up on Remote ControlTIMER _INDICATOR I"g2°il 2 s 5LEEPil),q L¥ "_MO_E FAk SWEEP&0SLEEPTIMERINDICATOR ..... TOP1720i_SLEEP..... J_aT_,,MOOE FAN SWEEP& &OFig. 8 -- Sleep Timer Indicator onRemote Control DisplayCancelin_ Dait¥ Timer This function wilt cancel the se-lected Daily Timer program.1. Slide do,am t?ont cover of controller below ON/OFF but-ton. See Fig. 4.2. Press the TIMER button to select the time period that willbe activated daily.3. Press the SET button and hold until the ,asxd "DAILY"disappears on the display.4. Press the SET button again to remove the daily operationfiom the selected time period. Be sure to point remotecontrol toward the unit while pressing the SET button.Cancelin_ Specific Start/Stop Time Period One or moretimers can be cancelled by pertbnning the following steps:1. Slide down fiont cover of controller below ON/OFF but-ton. See F g. 4.2. Press the TIMER button and select desired Timer to can-cel (1,2,3 or Sleep).3. Press CLEAR button to cancel the selected Timer period.The Start/Stop times will disappear t?om the display.4. Press the SET button to confirm the cancellation. Be sureto point remote control toward the unit while pressing theSET button.Cancelin_ All Time Periods All timers can be cancelled byperforming the following steps:1. Slide down fiont cover of controller below ON/OFF but-ton. See Fig. 4.2. Press the TIMER button.3. Press and hold the CLEAR button until all Start/Stoptimes disappear fiom the display.4. Check to be sure timer light is offon unit.5. Press the SET button to confirm the cancellation. Be sureto point the remote control toward the unit while pressingthe SET button.ROOM AIR TEMPERATURE DISPLAY The current roomair telnperature is automatically displayed when the remotecontroller is powered oit_ To display the room air temperaturewhen the unit is powered on:1. Slide do'am t}ont cover of controller below ON/OFFbutton. See Fig. 4.2. Press the ROOM button. The current room air tempera-ture will be displayed for several seconds, then disappear.See Fig. 10.Fig. 7 -- Set Timer Indicator onRemote Control Display