STATUS FUNCTION — This function shows the rotatingdisplay, current status of alarm and alert (diagnostic) codes,capacity stages, operating modes, chilled water set point, allmeasured system temperatures and pressures, superheat val-ues, pressure switch positions, analog inputs, and switch in-puts. These subfunctions are defined on pages 36 and 37.(Rotating Display)(Alarms/Alerts) — Alarms and alerts are messagesthat one or more faults have been detected. Each fault is as-signed a code number which is reported with the alarm oralert. See Table 10 for code definitions. The codes indicatefailures that cause the unit to shut down, terminate an option(such as reset) or result in the use of a default value as setpoint.Up to 10 codes can be stored at once. To view themin sequence, press to enter the alarm/alert dis-plays and then press to move to the individual dis-plays. Press after a code has been displayed. The mean-ing of the code scrolls across the screen. See Example 1.Example 1 — Reading Alarm CodesKEYPAD DISPLAY COMMENTSENTRY RESPONSETUE 12:45LOCAL ONCLOCK ON13 MODE8 MODECOOL 12 ALARMS3 MINSKeypad has not been used forat least 10 minutes. Alternatingsummary display appears onscreen2 ALARMS 2 alarms/alerts detectedRSAL DSB Reset all alarms/alertsALARM 9 First alarm/alert codeCOOLER LEAVINGFLUID THERMISTORFAILUREExplanation of alarm/alert codeALARM 42 Second alarm/alert code.Cooler freeze protectionCOOLER FREEZEPROTECTION Explanation of alarm/alert codeWhen a diagnostic (alarm or alert) code is stored in thedisplay and the machine automatically resets, the code is de-leted. Codes for safeties which do not automatically resetare not deleted until the problem is corrected and either themachine is switched to STOP position, then back to LOCAL/ENABLE or CCN position, or by using the keypad and dis-play module.To reset alarms/alerts using keypad and display module:KEYPADENTRYDISPLAYRESPONSE COMMENTSRSAL DSB Reset all alarms/alertsfunction disabledRSAL ENB Reset all alarms/alertsfunction enabled(Modes) — The operating mode codes are dis-played to indicate the operating status of the unit at a giventime. See Table 10.To enter the MODES subfunction, press andpress the key to determine if more than one mode ap-plies. See Example 2 to read current mode with expansion.Example 2 — Reading Current Operating ModesKEYPAD DISPLAY COMMENTSENTRY RESPONSETUE 15:45LOCAL ONCLOCK ON8 MODECOOL 10 ALARMS3 MINSKeypad has not been used for atleast 10 minutes. Rotating summarydisplay appears on screen2 MODES There are 2 modes currently in effectLOCAL ON Unit is on by chiller on/off switch8 MODE Temperature reset is in effect(Stage) — This subfunction displays the capac-ity stage number. See Tables 4A-4C for compressor loadingsequence. To enter the STAGE subfunction, pressand press the to display the stage number.Continue pressing for the following information:• Number of requested stages.• Percent of total unit capacity being utilized.• Percent of each circuit capacity being utilized.• Percent of total capacity available.• Percent of capacity available in each circuit.• Demand limit set point in effect (can be any value be-tween 0% and 100%).• Status of each compressor relay. When a compressor ison, the number of that compressor is displayed. If a com-pressor is off, a 0 is displayed. For example: In a givencircuit, if compressors 1 and 3 are running, and 2 and 4 arenot running, 0301 is displayed for that circuit.• Load/Unload factor for compressors. This factor is an in-dication of when a step of capacity is added or subtracted.Its value can range from slightly less than –1.0 to slightlymore than +1.0. When load/unload factor reaches +1.0, acompressor is added. When the load/unload factor reaches–1.0, a compressor is subtracted. If compressor unloadersare used, at –.6 a compressor is unloaded and at +.6, acompressor is loaded up.36