39R e s i d e n t i a l S p l i t - 6 0 H z R 2 2 & R 4 1 0 AR e v. : 5 J u n e , 2 0 0 8C a r r i e r : Tu r n t o t h e E x p e r t s7. If unit fails to operate, perform troubleshooting analysis(see troubleshooting section). If the check describedfails to reveal the problem and the unit still does notoperate, contact a trained service technician to insureproper diagnosis and repair of the equipment.8. When testing is complete, set system to maintaindesired comfort level.9. BE CERTAIN TO FILL OUT AND RETURN ALLWARRANTY REGISTRATION PAPERWORK.Note: If performance during any mode appears abnormal,refer to the CXM section or troubleshooting section of thismanual. To obtain maximum performance, the air coil shouldbe cleaned before start-up. A 10% solution of dishwasherdetergent and water is recommended.c. Verify that the compressor is on and that the waterfl ow rate is correct by measuring pressure dropthrough the heat exchanger using the P/T plugs andcomparing to Tables 12a through 12b.d. Check the elevation and cleanliness of thecondensate lines. Dripping may be a sign of ablocked line. Check that the condensate trap is fi lledto provide a water seal.e. Refer to Table 13. Check the temperature of bothentering and leaving water. If temperature is withinrange, proceed with the test. If temperature is outsideof the operating range, check refrigerant pressuresand compare to Tables 14 and 15. Verify correctwater fl ow by comparing unit pressure drop acrossthe heat exchanger versus the data in Tables 12athrough 12b. Heat of rejection (HR) can be calculatedand compared to catalog data capacity pages. Theformula for HR for systems with water is as follows:HR = TD x GPM x 500, where TD is the temperaturedifference between the entering and leaving water,and GPM is the flow rate in U.S. GPM, determinedby comparing the pressure drop across the heatexchanger to Tables 12a through 12b.f. Check air temperature drop across the air coil whencompressor is operating. Air temperature drop shouldbe between 15°F and 25°F [8°C and 14°C].g. Turn thermostat to “OFF” position. A hissing noiseindicates proper functioning of the reversing valve.6. Allow fi ve (5) minutes between tests for pressure toequalize before beginning heating test.a. Adjust the thermostat to the lowest setting. Place thethermostat mode switch in the “HEAT” position.b. Slowly raise the thermostat to a higher temperatureuntil the compressor activates.c. Check for warm air delivery within a few minutes afterthe unit has begun to operate.d. Refer to Table 13. Check the temperature of bothentering and leaving water. If temperature is withinrange, proceed with the test. If temperature is outsideof the operating range, check refrigerant pressuresand compare to Tables 14 and 15 Verify correct waterfl ow by comparing unit pressure drop across the heatexchanger versus the data in Tables 12a through12b. Heat of extraction (HE) can be calculated andcompared to submittal data capacity pages. Theformula for HE for systems with water is as follows:HE = TD x GPM x 500, where TD is the temperaturedifference between the entering and leaving water,and GPM is the flow rate in U.S. GPM, determinedby comparing the pressure drop across the heatexchanger to Tables 12a through 12b.e. Check air temperature rise across the air coil whencompressor is operating. Air temperature rise shouldbe between 20°F and 30°F [11°C and 17°C].f. Check for vibration, noise, and water leaks.WARNING! When the disconnect switch is closed, highvoltage is present in some areas of the electrical panel.Exercise caution when working with energized equipment.CAUTION! Verify that ALL water control valves are openand allow water flow prior to engaging the compressor.Freezing of the coax or water lines can permanentlydamage the heat pump.Short test pins togetherto enter Test Mode andspeed-up timing and delaysfor 20 minutes.Figure 29: Test Mode Pinsѥ WARNING! ѥѥ CAUTION! ѥUnit Start-Up Procedure