4Well Water SystemsIMPORTANT: Table 1 must be consulted for water qualityrequirements when using open loop systems. A water sample mustbe obtained and tested, with the results compared to the table.Scaling potential should be assessed using the pH/Calciumhardness method. If the pH is <7.5 and the calcium hardness isl<100 ppm, the potential for scaling is low. For numbers out of therange listed, a monitoring plan must be implemented due toprobable scaling.Other potential issues such as iron fouling, corrosion, erosion andclogging must be considered. Careful attention to water conditionsmust be exercised when considering a well water application.Failure to perform water testing and/or applying a geothermal heatpump to a water supply that does not fall within the acceptedquality parameters will be considered a mis--application of the unitand resulting heat exchanger failures will not be covered underwarranty. Where a geothermal system will be used with adversewater conditions, a suitable plate--frame heat exchanger MUST beused to isolate the well water from the geothermal unit.CAUTION!UNIT OPERATION HAZARDFailure to follow this caution may result in equipmentdamage or improper operation.Discharge air configuration change is not possible on HeatPumps equipped with Electric Heat Option.Water quantity should be plentiful, between 1.5 and 3.0 gpm perton of cooling, and of good quality. To avoid the possibility offreezing in the heating mode, the well water should be above 50_F.Water pressure must always be maintained in the heat exchanger byplacing a water control valve on the outlet of the water--to--waterunit. A bladder type expansion tank may be used to maintainpressure on the system. All solenoid valves should be slow closingto avoid water hammer.The discharge water from the water--to--water unit is notcontaminated in any manner and can be disposed of in variousways depending on the local codes (i.e. discharge well, dry well,storm sewer, drain field, stream, pond, etc.) Pilot operated or slowclosing valves are recommended to reduce water hammering.1. PRESSURE TANK2. BALL VALVES3. SOLENOID VALVE (SLOW CLOSING)4. HOSE KIT5. P/T KIT6. LOAD SIDE CONNECTIONS*7. LOW VOLTAGE CONTROL CONNECTION*8. VIBRATION PAD9. LINE VOLTAGE DISCONNECT* NOTE: Water and electrical connection locations varydepending on model. Connect as required per unit labels.A14172Fig. 2 -- Well Water Application