7Fig. 4 — Service Clearance Dimensional DrawingDo not install the outdoor unit in an area where fresh airsupply to the outdoor coil may be restricted or when recircu-lation from the condenser fan discharge is possible. Do notlocate the unit in a well or next to high walls.Evaluate the path and required line length for intercon-necting refrigeration piping, including suction riser require-ments (outdoor unit above indoor unit), liquid line lift (out-door unit below indoor unit) and hot gas bypass line. Relocatesections to minimize the length of interconnecting tubing.Although unit is weatherproof, avoid locations that permitwater from higher level runoff and overhangs to fall onto theunit.Step 2 — Complete Pre-Installation ChecksCHECK UNIT ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSConfirm before installation of unit that voltage, amperageand circuit protection requirements listed on unit data plateagree with power supply provided.UN-CRATE UNITRemove unit packaging except for the top skid assembly,which should be left in place until after the unit is rigged intoits final location.INSPECT SHIPMENTFile a claim with shipping company if the shipment isdamaged or incomplete.CONSIDER SYSTEM REQUIREMENTSConsult local building codes and National Electrical Code(NEC, U.S.A.) for special installation requirements.Allow sufficient space for airflow clearance, wiring, re-frigerant piping, and servicing unit. See Fig. 3 for unit dimen-sions and weight distribution data.Locate the unit so that the outdoor coil (condenser) airflowis unrestricted on all sides and above.The unit may be mounted on a level pad directly on the basechannels or mounted on raised pads at support points. See Fig. 3for weight distribution based on recommended support points.NOTE: If vibration isolators are required for a particular installa-tion, use the data in Fig. 3 to make the proper selection.Step 3 — Prepare Unit Mounting SupportSLAB MOUNTProvide a level concrete slab that extends a minimum of6 in. (150 mm) beyond unit cabinet. Install a gravel apron infront of condenser coil air inlet to prevent grass and foliagefrom obstructing airflow.Step 4 — Rig and Mount the UnitRIGGINGThese units are designed for overhead rigging. Refer to therigging label for preferred rigging method. Spreader bars arenot required if top crating is left on the unit. All panels mustbe in place when rigging. As further protection for coil faces,plywood sheets may be placed against the sides of the unit,behind cables. Run cables to a central suspension point sothat the angle from the horizontal is not less than 45 degrees.Raise and set the unit down carefully.If it is necessary to roll the unit into position, mount theunit on longitudinal rails, using a minimum of 3 rollers. Ap-ply force to the rails, not the unit. If the unit is to be skiddedinto position, place it on a large pad and drag it by the pad.Do not apply any force to the unit.Raise from above to lift the unit from the rails or pad whenunit is in its final position.After the unit is in position, remove all shipping materialsand top crating.Step 5 — Determine Refrigerant Line SizesSelect the recommended line sizes for 38AUZ and 38AUDunit from the appropriate tables.Determine the linear length of interconnecting piping re-quired between the outdoor unit and indoor unit (evaporator).Consider and identify also the arrangement of the tubing path(quantity and type of elbows in both lines), liquid line solenoidsize, filter drier and any other refrigeration specialties locatedin the liquid line. Refer to the indoor unit installation instruc-tions for additional details on refrigeration specialties devices.Determine equivalent line length adjustments for path andcomponents and add to linear line lengths. See Table 2,Equivalent Lengths for Common Fittings, for usual fittingtypes. Also identify adjustments for refrigeration specialties.Refer to Part 3 of the Carrier System Design Manual for addi-tional data and information on equivalent lengths.LIQUID LIFTA liquid lift condition exists when the outdoor unit is lo-cated below the indoor (evaporator) unit and liquid flows ver-tically up in a portion of the liquid line. The vertical columnof liquid reduces the available state point sub-cooling at theevaporator coil’s thermal expansion valve. This effect reduc-es the length of liquid lift (feet of elevation) that a liquid linesize can accommodate. Longer linear tube lengths will alsoreduce the amount of liquid lift possible.Check Tables 7 (38AUZ), 8 (38AUD), and 9(38AUDC12) for maximum liquid lift capabilities for linesizes. Reselect the liquid line tube size if necessary. If maxi-mum available tube size cannot provide the required lift dis-tance on this installation, relocate the outdoor unit to reducethe equivalent line length or the lift requirement.IMPORTANT: DO NOT BURY REFRIGERANT LINESREAR:Min 18" (457 mm)required for serviceRIGHT:Min 18" (457 mm)required for serviceLEFT:Min 18" (457 mm)required for serviceFRONT:42” (1067 mm)required for serviceNOTE: Observe requirements for 39" (914 mm) operatingclearance on either Left or Rear coil opening.CAUTIONUNIT DAMAGE HAZARDFailure to follow this caution may result in equipment dam-age or improper operation. Never install suction-line filterdrier in the liquid line of a Puron® system.MODEL POSITION TABLE QUANTITY OF LINESETS38AUZ/ALL 7 138AUD/A,B 8 238AUD/C 9 2