13Override TestTo use override test function, a thermistor must be connected to thecontrol board. Unit must not be in defrost mode during an overridetest.HIGH SPEED1. Disconnect HRV from 115VAC.1. Unplug wall control wires at control module terminal blockinside HRV.2. Plug HRV back to 115VAC.3. Attach a wire across J3--8 and J3--9 (B and G) on controlmodule terminal block.4. Push in door switch, this will initiate a high--speed ex-change.LOW SPEED1. Unplug HRV from 115VAC.2. Disconnect wall control wires at control module terminalblock inside HRV.3. Plug HRV back to 115VAC.4. Connect a 3.0 K ohm resistor between J3--8 and J3--9 (Band G) on control module terminal block.5. Push in door switch, this will initiate a low--speed exchange.Blower Speed SelectionThree--speed blowers are factory connected to electronic controlboard on HIGH-- and LOW--speed taps of blowers. Installer caneasily change low--speed tap to medium--speed tap so electroniccontrol will select between high and medium speed. Connectionscan be changed at motor location (see Table 8 and Table 9).To change low speed to medium speed, proceed as follows:1. Unplug unit from 115VAC.2. Locate blower assembly.3. Locate red wire and blue wire coming from blower as-sembly.4. Unplug red wire from quick connect.5. Unplug protecting cap quick connection from blue wire andput on red wire coming from blower. The cap is a safetyinsulator.6. Connect red wire of main harness to blue wire.7. Replace wires.Table 8 – Factory Set Blower Connection High or Low SpeedCONTROLMODULEMAINELECTRICALHARNESSCABLEBLOWERWIRE SPEEDJ1--- 6 Orange Orange HighNo Connection No Connection Blue + Cap MediumJ1--- 4 Red Red LowTable 9 – Modify Blower Connection High or Medium SpeedCONTROLMODULEMAINELECTRICALHARNESSCABLEBLOWERWIRE SPEEDJ1--- 6 Orange Orange HighJ1--- 4 Red Blue MediumNo Connection No Connection Red + Cap LowTable 10 – Temperature and VoltageVOLTAGE DC VOLTS (J4) TEMP °F (°C)3.5 --- 22 (--- 30)2.7 --- 4 (--- 20)2.3 4 (--- 15)2.0 14 (--- 10)1.4 32 (0)1.1 41 (5)0.9 50 (10)0.6 68 (20)Defrost CycleDefrost cycle is controlled by a thermistor which is located in thefresh--air intake passage (the thermistor unit is connected to J4 ofcontrol module (see Fig. 14). When defrost temperature sensordetects the need for defrost, K5 relay will close for 6 minutes whileK1 and K2 remain energized.This closes the outdoor air damper while running HRV blower onhigh--speed. This process recirculates warm indoor air through heatrecovery core which melts any frost that has formed. Water createdin this process is collected by HRV and drained away. Frequencyof the defrost cycle depends on outdoor temperature (see Table 11).Table 11 – Defrost CycleOUTSIDE TEMPERATURE STANDARD DEFROST (AS SHIPPED) EXTENDED DEFROST(JUMPER JU1---F REMOVED)Above 23°F/--- 5°C No Defrost No Defrost23°F to 5°F/--- 5°C to --- 15°C 6 Minute Defrost/32 Minute Exchange 10 Minute Defrost/30 Minute Exchange4°F to --- 17°F/--- 16°C to --- 27°C 6 Minute Defrost/32 Minute Exchange 10 Minute Defrost/20 Minute ExchangeBelow --- 18°F/--- 28°C 6 Minute Defrost/20 Minute Exchange 10 Minute Defrost/15 Minute ExchangeTable 12 – JU1 Jumper DefinitionJU1A JU1B JU1C JU1D JU1E JU1F JU1GUNIT IDENTIFICATIONReverse Damper OperationIn=NormalOUt=InverseFactory SetAlways InFactory SetAlways InTable 13 – Jumper LocationsMODEL JUMPER TABLEJU1A JU1B JU1C JU1D JU1E JU1F JU1GHRVXXLVU1330 OUT OUT OUT OUT IN IN IN