6transformer. Applying 24VAC isolation relay coil to furnace or fancoil HUM and COM terminals will allow the Infinity Zone Controlto automatically energize the HUM output during a call forhumidification. The N.O. relay contacts will be used to energize thehumidifier. See fan powered humidifier installation instructions formore details.EQUIPMENT HAZARDFailure to follow this caution may result in equipment damage.Do not apply 24VAC fan powered humidifier (with internalpower supply) direct to indoor unit HUM and COM terminals.CAUTION!INITIAL POWER--UPNOTE: Refer to Functional Overview (Fig. 15) to becomefamiliar with key function buttons such as “System On/Off”,“Zone”, “Fan”, “Left--Side” and “Right--Side” buttons, etc. Thesefunction buttons will be used frequently during setup.HOLD COOLHEATSCHEDULE VACATIONPROGRAMSCROLLBASIC ADVANCEDSETUPSScheduleto programtemperaturescheduleVacationto start/endvacationBasicto set time,humidityAdvancedfor all othersettingsScrollup & downFan ButtonDisplay Screen(LCD)Right-SideButtonHeat ButtonCool ButtonTemperature(+/-) ButtonSystemOn/Off ButtonBasic & AdvancedSetup ButtonsFlip DownDoorLeft-SideButtonZoneButtonHoldButtonTime (+/-)ButtonSchedule & VacationProgram ButtonsUp/DownScroll ButtonsZONEA04038Fig. 15 -- Functional OverviewPower Up SequenceThis section addresses initial power up (or commissioning) of anew Infinity Zone Control. The User Interface will communicateand identify all Infinity components in the system. The followingis a typical example for a communicating Variable--Speed Furnace/ Fan Coil with a 2--stage Air Conditioner / Heat Pump (includingHybrid Heat).The User Interface display will light up and indicate that it is now“ESTABLISHING COMMUNICATIONS WITH EQUIPMENTPLEASE WAIT”. The User Interface will automatically continueby “SEARCHING FOR EQUIPMENT”, followed by“SEARCHING FOR OUTDOOR EQUIPMENT” (See Fig. 16).Once the indoor and outdoor equipment has been found, theInstaller will be asked to select Accessories. Packaged Productswill be automatically identified and the Installer will be asked toselect Accessories. Proceed to Selecting Accessories.ESTABLISHINGCOMMUNICATIONSWITH EQUIPMENTPLEASE WAITSOFTWAREVERSIONINDOOR UNITSEARCHING FORINDOOR EQUIPMENTWORKINGOUTDOOR UNITSEARCHING FOROUTDOOR EQUIPMENTWORKINGA03195Fig. 16 -- Power Up SequenceNOTE: If the variable--speed indoor equipment (furnace or fancoil) cannot be found, the User Interface will display “CANNOTCOMMUNICATE WITH INDOOR UNIT”. This MUST becorrected before the initial power up sequence can continue. Ifindoor unit is found, but outdoor unit is not found, “OUTDOORUNIT NOT IDENTIFIED” will appear. Proceed to the next sectionfor Outdoor Unit Identification.Selecting Outdoor UnitIf there is no communicating outdoor unit, the screen, shown inFig. 17, will appear. Press either Left or Right Up/Down button toselect AC (air conditioner), HP (heat pump), or None (no unitinstalled). Press right--side button to continue to next screen.OUTDOOR UNITNOT IDENTIFIEDSELECT TYPE: NONENONE, AC, HPPRESS +/- TO MAKESELECTIONCONTINUEOUTDOOR UNITENTER HEAT PUMPSIZE 36000 BTU18000 TO 60000 BTUPRESS +/- TO MAKESELECTIONBACK CONTINUEOUTDOOR UNITHEAT PUMPENTER NUMBER OFSPEEDS, 1 or 2: 1PRESS +/- TO MAKESELECTIONBACK CONTINUEA03196Fig. 17 -- Selecting Outdoor UnitIf either AC or HP has been selected as the outdoor unit type, themiddle screen will appear (See Fig. 17). Press either Left or RightUp/Down button to select appropriate Btu size of outdoor unit,then press right side button to continue. If a NIM (NetworkInterface Module) is applied for non--communicating two--stageoutdoor equipment, select 1 or 2--stage compressor operation, andpress right--side button to continue.NOTE: Range of outdoor unit Btu selection is limited by modelnumber of indoor unit installed. The Infinity Zone Control will notallow an outdoor unit size that is not supported by the installedindoor unit.NOTE: On new system installations, the model and serial numberwill be recognized and displayed. On any indoor/outdoor boardreplacements, the equipment will be recognized but the exactmodel/serial number will not be displayed.Selecting Indoor Evaporator CoilIf a furnace is installed with a variable capacity heat pump, a screenwill appear to select the installed indoor evaporator coil. Thisselection is used to adequately calculate refrigerant charge requiredwhile in the Heat Pump Charging screens under the Heat PumpCheckout menu. Select “other” for non--Carrier evaporators.Selecting Electric HeaterIf the equipment is a fan coil, packaged heat pump, or packagedAC and the electric heater is not self--identifying, “ELECTRICHEATER NOT IDENTIFIED” will appear (See Fig. 18). Presseither Left or Right Up/Down button to select appropriate size ofelectric heater installed, then press right--side button to continue.An asterisks (*) will appear next to electric heater sizes that maycause excessive airflow.UIZ01-- V