25VNA4: Installation InstructionsManufacturer reserves the right to change, at any time, specifications and designs without notice and without obligations.10A20035Fig. 17 – Select Line Set Length & Vapor Line DiameterA20036Fig. 18 – Adjust Line Set Length & Vapor Line Diameter that isInstalledA20037Fig. 19 – Charging Mode SelectionA20038Fig. 20 – Additional Required Charge for New InstallationA20039Fig. 21 – Total Charge Required for a Complete ChargeStep 12 – Heating Check ChargeIn heating mode, the required charging method is by weigh-in. On newinstallation or complete recharge, refer to the refrigerant charging screenin the user interface (UI) to obtain the required charge adjustment and/ortotal charge required (see Fig. 20 & Fig. 21). Use the UI and HeatingCheck Charts (located on the inside of the control box cover) to checksystem operation during HEATING mode. The indoor conditions mustbe between 60°F (15.6ºC) and 80°F (26.7ºC) to check the charge. Theoutdoor coil must be dry and ice/frost free. Do not check for pressureagreement if the outdoor has rain, mist or snow present.Use the force defrost mode, which is available by shorting the forceddefrost pins (J9) for more than 5 seconds, to remove ice or frost fromcoil, if present, prior to checking the heating pressures.To use the Heating Check Chart:The user interface (UI) must be in Refrigerant Charging mode selectedfrom the Installation and Service screen. The Charging Mode Selectionscreen will show selections for Weigh-In Charge Method or HeatingCheck Charge Method. Select Heating Check Charge Method. TheHeating Check Charge method will only be displayed if the conditionsare right for checking the charge in heating mode. When Heating CheckCharge Method is selected, the system will operate by running withappropriate compressor speed, outdoor fan speed and indoor airflow.The charts located on the inside of the control box cover indicatewhether a correct relationship exists between system operating pressureand air temperature entering indoor and outdoor units. If pressure andtemperature do not match on chart, system refrigerant charge may not becorrect. DO NOT USE CHART TO ADJUST REFRIGERANTCHARGE. IF CHARGE IS IN DOUBT, REMOVE CHARGE ANDWEIGH-IN CORRECT CALCULATED REFRIGERANTCHARGE.NOTE: High pressure is at vapor service valve. Connect low side gaugeto suction service port.NOTE: When charging is necessary during heating season, charge mustbe weighed in accordance with unit rating plate, ±0.6 oz./ft (±17.74g/m). of 3/8-in. liquid-line above or below 15 ft (4.57 m).