n4. Verify the following conditions:a. Make sure gas line is free of air. Before lighting the unitfor the first time, perform the following with the gas valvein the OFF position:NOTE: If the gas supply pipe was not purged before connecting theunit. it will be full of air. It is reconmmnded that the ground jointunion be loosened, and the supply line be allowed to purge until theodor of gas is detected. Never purge gas lines into a combustionchamber. Immediately upon detection of gas odor, retighten theunion. Allow 5 minutes to elapse, then light unit.b. Make sure that condenser-fan blade is correctlypositioned in fan orifice. Top 1/3 of condenser-fan bladeshould be within fan orifice venturi.c. Ensure fan hub is positioned correctly with respect tomotor housing (See Fig. 15).d. Make sure that air filter(s) is in place.e. Make sure that condensate drain trap is filled with waterto ensure proper drainage.f. Make sure that all tools and miscellaneous loose partshave been removed.5. Compressors are internally spring mounted. Do not loosenor remove compressor holddown bolts.6. Each unit system has two Schrader-type ports, one low-sideSchrader fitting located on the suction line, and one highSchrader fitting located on the compressor discharge line. Besure that caps on the ports are tight.A "Infinity TopUNIT SIZE024030036042048060"A" DIMENSIONInfinity252524242419Fig. 15 - Fan Blade ClearanceA06035START-UP AND TROUBLESHOOTINGStep 1--Check for Refrigerant LeaksProceed as follows to locate and repair a refrigerant leak and tocharge the unit:1. Locate leak and make sure that refrigerant system pressurehas been relieved and reclaimed from both high- andlow-pressure ports.2. Repair leak following Refrigerant Service procedures.NOTE: Install a filter drier whenever the system has been openedfor repair.3. Add a small charge of R-410A refrigerant vapor to systemand leak test unit.4. Evacuate and recover refrigerant from refrigerant system ifadditional leaks are not found.5. Charge unit with R-410A refrigerant, using a volumetriccharging cylinder or accurate scale. Refer to unit rating platefor required charge. Be sure to add extra refrigerant tocompensate for internal volume of filter drier.Step 2--Unit Start-UpNOTE: Always check high- and low-voltage supply to the unitcomponents. Check the integrity of the plug receptacle connectionsand unit wiring harness prior to assnnaing a component failure.LED DESCRIPTIONLEDs built into Infinity" Control Board provide installer or serviceperson information concerning operation and/or fault condition ofthe unit control and ECM motor. This information is also availableat the system User Interface in text with basic troubleshootinginstructions. Careful use of information displayed will reduce theneed for extensive manual troubleshooting.The amber LED located at upper right side of control adjacent tofuse is the system status LED and it is labeled STATUS. The greenLED labeled COMM is located adjacent to the STATUS LED, andis used as an indicator of system communications status. StatusCodes will be displayed on the STATUS LED using the followingprotocol:1. The number of short flashes indicates first digit of code.2. The number of long flashes indicates second digit of code.3. A short flash is 0.25 seconds on. A long flash is 1 second on.4. The time between flashes is 0.25 seconds.5. The time between last short flash and first long flash is 1second.6. The LED will be off for 2.5 seconds before repeating code.CONTROL START-UP AND SYSTEM COMMUNICATIONSTROUBLESHOOTINGOn power up, green COMM LED will be turned off until successfulsystem communications are established (this should happen within10 seconds). Once communications with User Interface aresuccessful, COMM LED will be lit and held on. At the same time.amber STATUS LED will be lit and held continuously on until arequest for operating mode is received. The STATUS LED will beon any time unit is in idle mode.If, at any time. communications are not successful for a periodexceeding 2 minutes, the Infinity control will only allow heating orcooling operation using a common thermostat connected to thestandard 24V thermostat terminal strip connections and will displayStatus (;ode 16. System Communication Fault, on amber STATUSLED. No further troubleshooting information will be available atUser Interface until communications are re-established.If COMM LED does not light within proper time period and statuscode is not displayed:1. Check system transformer high- and low-voltage to be surethe system is powered.2. Check fuse on control board to be sure it is not blown. If fuseis open, check system wiring before replacing it to be sure ashort does not cause a failure of replacement fuse.If COMM LED does not light within proper time period and statuscode is displayed:1. Check system wiring to be sure User Interface is poweredand connections are made A to A. B to B, etc. and wiring isnot shorted. Mis-wiring or shorting of the ABCDcommunications wiring will not allow successfulcommunications.NOTE: Shorting or mis-wiring low-voltage system wiring will notcause damage to unit control or user interface but may cause lowvoltage fuse to open.16