1050XL RIGGING WEIGHTS-in. (914 mm)DETAIL AA06298 A06296CABINET MODEL RIGGING WTlb kgSmall 50XL--024 382 17350XL--030 387 176Large50XL--036 469 21350XL--042 491 22350XL--048 497 22550XL--060 548 249NOTE: See dimensional drawing for corner weight distribution. Cornerweights shown on drawing are based on unit---only weights and do notinclude packaging.Fig. 4 -- Suggested RiggingSELECTION PROCEDUREDetermine cooling and heating requirements at designconditions:Given:REQUIRED COOLING CAPACITY (TC) 34,500 BTUH. . . . . .SENSIBLE HEAT CAPACITY (SHC) 24,000 BTUH. . . . . . . . .REQUIRED HEATING CAPACITY (SHC) 15,000 BTUH. . . . .CONDENSER ENTERING AIR TEMPERATURE 95°F (35°C)INDOOR--AIR TEMPERATURE 80°F (26.6°C) EDB, 67°F. . .(19.4°C) EWBEVAPORATOR AIR QUANTITY 1200 CFM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS 230--1--60. . . . . . . . . . . . .Select unit based on required cooling capacityEnter Net Cooling Capacities table at condenser enteringtemperature of 95°F (35°C). The 036 unit at 1200 cfm and 67°F(19.4°C) ewb (entering wet bulb) will provide a total capacity of34,600 Btuh and a SHC of 24,220 Btuh. Calculate SHC correction,if required, using Note 4 under Cooling Capacities tables.Select electric heatThe required heating capacity is 15,000 Btuh.Determine additional electric heat capacity in kW.15,000 Btuh3414 Btuh/kW = 4.4kW of heat requiredEnter the Electric Heater table on page 5 for 208/230v,single--phase unit. The 5--kW heater at 240v most closely satisfiesthe heating required. To calculate kW at 230v, multiply the heaterkW by multiplication factor 0.92 found in the MultiplicationFactors table on page 17.5 kW x 0.92 = 4.6 kW4.6 kW x 3414 Btuh/kW = 15,704 Btuh (Total unit heatingcapacity)Select unit that corresponds to power source availableThe Electrical Data table shows that the unit is designed to operateat 208/230--1--60.50XL