Step 4 — Determine Controller Location — Thefinal step in the terminal selection and layout process is todecide where the controllers will be placed.The temperature control zones in the building will be de-termined by the final partition layout. Before the final par-tition layout has been determined, you must install enoughcontrollers to meet job requirement; the controllers can thenbe relocated when the tenant layout is finished.One of the main features of Moduline controls is that con-troller locations can be changed quickly and easily at anytime.Another main feature of Moduline controls is that morethan one unit can be controlled from a single thermostat. Inlarge interior zones the ‘‘master’’ unit (the one with the ther-mostat) can be hooked up with control tubing to control sev-eral ‘‘slaves’’. Table 13 shows the maximum number of unitsthat can be controlled by one controller.Table 13 — Maximum Number of Units in anAir Series on One ControllerMODELPLENUMSIZE (in.)FIRST UNITIN AIRSERIES*NUMBER OF UNITS ON ONE CONTROLLERSingleUnitUnits in Air Series2 3 4 537HS15 x 7† X — — — —7 x 7 X X X X —9 x 9 X X X X X11 x 11 X X X X X37HS27 x 7 X — — — —9 x 9 X X X X —11 x 11 X X X X —37HS49 x 9 X — — — —11 x 11 X X X X —13 x 13 X X X X —*See Tables 6-8 for recommended combinations of units in air series.†The 37HS1 unit with 5 x 7 size plenum is available with blank end only; mul-tiple units of this size would not be used on one control.NOTE: The conditions stated in Table 9 must be included in evaluations forselecting the number of units in an air series.GUIDELINES FOR CONTROLLER LOCATION1. A master unit is mounted in the ceiling so that the airintake is on the end of the unit opposite the end with thecontrol block and controller. (Fig. 26.)2. A slave unit can receive air from either end of the unit.Either end can be the inlet, assuming the inlet collar isthe same size as the connecting unit. At the same time, itis good practice to place the ‘‘control’’ end of a slave unitdownstream as shown in Fig. 26. Should the slave unit belater converted to a master unit, the unit would be in itscorrect configuration for control installation.3. The volume controller for a single unit should be locatedon the end of the unit opposite the inlet end. (Fig. 27.)Fig. 26 — Air Intake on Master UnitFig. 25 — Flexible Duct Used with 90-Degree Bend37