2Programming A Weekly Comfort Schedule:1. Press the PROGRAM button. The word PROGRAMMINGappears on the display and the words SET TIME flash onthe display. MoTuWeThFr or SaSu and the morning periodicons will appear on the display. The current mode (HEATor COOL) will also show. Use the DAY button to selectweekdays and the PROGRAM button to select MORNING.2. Press the UP or DOWN button to set the start time forMORNING ( 1) value in Table 1).3. Press the TIME/TEMP button until COOL is on and SETTEMP flashes on the display.4. Press the UP or DOWN button to select the cooling temper-ature setpoint ( 2) value in Table 1).5. Press the TIME/TEMP button until HEAT is on and SETTEMP flashes on the display.6. Press the UP or DOWN buttons to select the heating tem-perature setpoint ( 3) value in Table 1).7. Press the PROGRAM button to advance to the next timeperiod. Enter time and temperature settings ( 4) through 12in Table 1) for the periods DAY, EVE, and NIGHT by fol-lowing items 2--6 above.8. Press the DAY button to change between weekday andweekend programming. To set the weekend schedule, repeatitems 2 through 7, entering values in 13) through 24) inTable 1.9. Press END/HOLD to exit the programming mode.Modifying Your Weekly Comfort ScheduleIf you choose to change any of your weekly schedule, pressPROGRAM at any time. You will enter the programming scheduleat the present day, present mode, but always in the morning period.You are ready to set the new starting time for the morning period.One press of the TIME/TEMP button and you are ready to set thenew morning temperature. To set values for other periods, use thePROGRAM button. To set values for other days, use the DAYbutton. Press HOLD/END and you are finished.Overriding Your Comfort ScheduleThere are two ways to override your comfort schedule.Method 1 — Manual OperationBy pressing the HOLD/END button to turn on the HOLD icon, thethermostat will maintain the current temperature settings andignore the comfort schedule for an indefinite period of time. Theword HOLD will appear in the display. Press the HOLD/ENDbutton a second time and the thermostat will return the temperaturesettings to the programmed comfort schedule. PressingHOLD/END will not alter your programmed comfort schedule.Method 2 — Temporary OverrideAt the first press of the UP or DOWN button, the currenttemperature setting will appear on the display. Pressing the UP orDOWN button again will temporarily change the setpoint asneeded. At the next programmed time, the programmed comfortschedule will resume.CHANGING BATTERIESIn some situations, two AA batteries are the power source for thethermostat. If batteries are used with your equipment then theyshould last about one year. As the batteries lose their power abattery icon appears on the display. As the batteries get weaker, theicon goes down to one black bar and then none. As the iconbecomes empty, you will begin to lose thermostat functionsbecause the batteries are losing their power. When the batteries arecompletely dead, you won’t be able to use the thermostat.When using batteries for power, we recommend you replace themwith two AA alkaline batteries. They are in a compartment underthe lid on top of the thermostat. You do not have to remove thethermostat from the wall to replace the batteries. Simply open thelid, lift out the batteries, and replace them like you would any otherbattery operated device.TROUBLESHOOTINGWhat if AUX HEAT appears on the display?(Heat pump model only)If auxiliary heat is on, you will see AUX HEAT indicator in thedisplay. When it is on this means the system has determined thatit’s too cold outside for your heat pump to heat the house withouthelp, so it’s getting help from the electric heaters. This happensautomatically.NOTE: This indicator does not mean there is a problem with yoursystem.What if E--Heat appears on the display?If the heat pump is not working properly, you can manually turnon the emergency heat for extra help in heating. You’ll knowthere’s a problem if the house can’t seem to get warm when it’scold outside.You want to avoid using emergency heat, though, because it’s themost expensive option. And, of course, if you suspect a problemwith your heat pump, call your heating and cooling dealerimmediately.Table 1 – Programming TableENERGY STARFACTORY DEFAULT VALUES NEW COMFORT SCHEDULEPERIOD TIME COOL HEAT MoTuWe ThFrTIME COOL HEAT SaSuTIME COOL HEATMORNING 6:00A.M.78_F26_C68_F20_C 1) 2) 3) 13) 14) 15)DAY 8:00A.M.85_F29_C60_F16_C 4) 5) 6) 16) 17) 18)EVE 5:00P.M.78_F26_C68_F20_C 7) 8) 9) 19) 20) 21)NIGHT 10:00P.M.82_F28_C60_F16_C 10) 11) 12) 22) 23) 24)TB -- PAC / TB -- PHP