TC- PBO01- BLKCarrier Programmable ThermostatAir Conditioner and Heat Pump ApplicationsOwner’s ManualA150217THERMOSTAT OPERATIONButton IdentificationMODEFANSET TEMPTIME DAY HOLDENDabcdhgfeA150246a. MODE: Selects whether thermostat is set for heating,cooling, auto, or off.b. FAN: Select either continuous fan operation (on) oronly when needed for heating or cooling.c. UP: Increase temperature or adjust screen selection upd. DOWN: Decrease temperature or adjust screen selectiondowne. SET: Press to begin programmingf. TEMP/TIME: Adjust temperature and time selectionsduring programmingg. DAY: moves between days of the week during program-mingh. HOLD/END: hold a manual temperature change or endto exit a menuOn- Screen Indicators123456789101112131415A1502471. Continuous fan mode on2. Thermostat mode is either Heat, Cool or Emergency Heat3. Thermostat mode is auto and will automatically changeoverbetween Heat and Cool4. Thermostat mode is Off5. Temperature set point indicator6. Temperature displayed in Fahrenheit or Celsius7. Current Indoor Temperature8. Battery strength indicator9. Period of day for programming mode10. Day(s) of the week for programming mode11. Time12. Programming mode13. System is in auxiliary (supplemental) mode14. System is in hold15. AM or PM indicator for timeTemperature DiplayThermostat will display room temperature until UP or DOWNbutton is pressed. The words SET TEMP appear when thesebuttons are pressed, and the current setpoint is displayed. If nobuttons are pressed for 5 seconds, the display will change back toshow room temperature.BacklightingThe backlight will come on for 10 seconds after any button press.Battery IndicatorA battery indication icon on the display shows nothing, half, orlow/no battery condition. If the battery is full or operation is fromAC power, no icon appears. Under battery operation, if the batteryis half full, a half full battery icon appears. As the battery depletesbelow half, the icon remains at half, but the 10 second backlight