Factory---Installed Economizersfor TC/TCQ/HC/HCQ/LC/KC/KCQRooftop Units3 to 27.5 Nominal TonsEconomizer Supplement Related ToCalifornia Title 24California’s new Title 24 is effective July 1, 2014 and requires several neweconomizer features.This supplement details these economizer updates and is to be used inconjunction with the base unit installation instructions for the following3 to 27.5 nominal ton models: TC/TCQ/HC/HCQ/LC/KC/KCQ.Supplement Index:S EconoMi$er 2 DDC Title 24 offerings and definitions Page 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .NOTE: Wiring diagrams and instructions do not change.S EconoMi$er X Title 24 electro--mechanical offerings and definitions Pages 3--24. . .This includes set up, start up and menu structure information.Title 24 Note: Because the economizer factory--installed in the unit is Title 24 listed by theCalifornia Energy Commission (CEC), field economizer commissioning is not required.