7Table 1 — Physical Data 48N Sizes N-T (75-150 Tons Nominal Capacity) (cont)LEGEND * Base unit includes: economizer dampers and hoods, filter tracks less filters, evaporator coilmounting less the evaporator, extended plenum, and standard efficiency condenser. For 75-105 nominal ton units only, base unit weight also includes the short supply fan section.BASE UNIT N P Q R S TNOMINAL CAPACITY (tons) 75 90 105 120 130 150OPTIONAL POWER EXHAUSTPower ExhaustDiameter (in.) 20 23Wheel and Blade Type DWDI Forward CurveMaximum Allowable Cfm 42,000 60,000Maximum Allowable Speed (rpm) 1,200 1,200Shaft Diameter at Pulley (in.) 1.75 1.75High Static Power ExhaustDiameter (in.) 36 40Wheel and Blade Type DWDI Forward Curve DWDI Forward CurveMaximum Allowable Cfm 42,000 60,000Maximum Allowable Speed (rpm) 650 600Shaft Diameter at Pulley (in.) 2.5 3OPTIONAL RETURN FANReturn FanDiameter (in.) 40 40Wheel and Blade Type SWSI Plenum Airfoil SWSI Plenum AirfoilMaximum Allowable Cfm 52,500 60,000Maximum Allowable Speed (rpm) 1236 1236Shaft Diameter at Pulley (in.) 2.5 2.5High Static Return FanDiameter (in.) 45 50 56Wheel and Blade Type SWSI Plenum AirfoilMaximum Allowable Cfm 60,000 60,000 60,000Maximum Allowable Speed (rpm) 850 780 720Shaft Diameter at Pulley (in.) 3MIXED AIR FILTERSMERV 7 Pleated Filters 2 inch, MERV 7 2 inch, MERV 7Quantity 28 28Size (in.) 20x24x2 20x25x2MERV 8 Pleated Filters 4 inch, MERV 8 4 inch, MERV 8Quantity 28 28Size (in.) 20x24x4 20x25x4MERV 14 Pleated Filters 4 inch, MERV 14 4 inch, MERV 14Quantity 28 28Size (in.) 20x24x4 20x25x4MERV 14 Cartridge Filters, 2 or 4-in. in Pre-Filters 12 inch, MERV 14 Cartridge Filters 12 inch, MERV 14 Cartridge FiltersQuantity 20 20Size (in.) (15) 20x24x12, (5) 24x24x12 24x24x12MERV 14 Bag, 2 or 4-in. in Pre-Filters 12 inch, MERV 14 Bag Filters 12 inch, MERV 14 Bag FiltersQuantity 20 20Size (in.) (15) 20x24x12, (5) 24x24x12 24x24x12MERV 15 Bag, 2 or 4-in. in Pre-Filters 19 inch, MERV 15 Bag Filters 19 inch, MERV 15 Bag FiltersQuantity 20 20Size (in.) (15) 20x24x19, (5) 24x24x19 24x24x19FINAL FILTERSMERV 14 Cartridge Filters, 2 or 4-in. in Pre-Filters 12 inch, MERV 14 Cartridge Filters 12 inch, MERV 14 Cartridge FiltersQuantity 19 19Size (in.) (14) 20x24x12, (5) 24x24x12 24x24x12MERV 15 Bag, 2 or 4-in. in Pre-Filters 19 inch, MERV 15 Bag Filters 19 inch, MERV 15 Bag FiltersQuantity 19 19Size (in.) (14) 20x24x19, (5) 24x24x19 24x24x19MERV 17 HEPA, 2 or 4-in. in Pre-Filters 12 inch, MERV 17 HEPA Filters, 99.99% 12 inch, MERV 17 HEPA Filters, 99.99%Quantity 19 19Size (in.) (14) 24x12x12, (5) 24x24x12 24x24x12OUTSIDE AIR SCREENSStandard Hood (Motorized OA and EconomizerOptions) Aluminum Frame, PermanentQuantity 12 Screens 16 ScreensSize (in.) 16 7/8 x 31 16 7/8 x 31Cu-Al — Copper-to-AluminumDWDI — Double Width Double InletFPI — Fins per InchMBtuh — Btuh in ThousandsMCHX — Microchannel Heat ExchangerRTPF — Round Tube Plate FinSWSI — Single Width Single Inlet