109fire shutdown input is energized (fire shutdown is in effect), orif two fire smoke modes are incorrectly energized at the sametime, a fire shutdown mode will occur. This is an emergencymode requiring the complete shutdown of the unit. Recovery isautomatic when the inputs are no longer on.This alarm is usually caused by an auxiliary device that is tryingto shut down the unit (e.g., smoke detector). The input for FireShutdown is at InputsFIREFSD. The switch logic con-figuration for this switch input can be found at variable Configu-rationSW.LGFSD.L. Verify that the configuration is setcorrectly, verify the wiring and auxiliary device. This alarm re-sets automatically.A405 (Evacuation Emergency Mode)Unit has been placed in the fire evacuation mode by means of theexternal command for evacuation (InputsFIREEVAC).If the evacuation input on the CEM is energized, an evacuationmode occurs which flags an alarm. This mode attempts to low-er the pressure of the space to prevent smoke from moving intoanother space. This is the reverse of the Pressurization mode.Closing the economizer, opening the return-air damper, turningon the power exhaust, and shutting down the indoor fan willdecrease pressure in the space. Recovery is automatic when theinput is no longer on.A406 (Pressurization Emergency Mode)Unit has been placed in the fire pressurization mode by meansof the External command for pressurization (InputsFIREPRES).If the pressurization input on the CEM is energized, apressurization mode occurs which flags an alarm. This modeattempts to raise the pressure of a space to prevent smoke infil-tration from another space. The space with smoke should be inan Evacuation mode attempting to lower its pressure. Openingthe economizer, closing the return-air damper, shutting downpower exhaust, and turning the indoor fan on will increasepressure in the space. Recovery is automatic when the input isno longer on.A407 (Smoke Purge Emergency Mode)Unit has been placed in the fire pressurization mode by meansof the external command for pressurization (Inputs FIREPURG).If the smoke purge input on the CEM is energized, a smokepurge mode occurs which flags an alarm. This mode attemptsto draw out smoke from the space after the emergency condi-tion. Opening the economizer, closing the return-air damper,and turning on both the power exhaust and indoor fan willevacuate smoke and bring in fresh air. Recovery is automaticwhen the input is no longer on.T408 (Dirty Air Filter)If no dirty filter switch is installed, the switch will read “cleanfilter” all the time. Therefore the dirty filter routine runs con-tinuously and diagnoses the input. Because of the different pos-sible times it takes to generate static pressure, this routine waits2 minutes after the fan starts before the dirty filter switch ismonitored. If the dirty filter switch reads “dirty filter” for 2continuous minutes, an alert is generated. No system action istaken. This is a reminder that it is time to change the filters inthe unit. Recovery from this alert is through a clearing of allalarms (manual) or after the dirty filter switch reads clean for30 continuous seconds (automatic).Because the Dirty Air Filter switch can be configured normallyopened or closed, the switch might be open or closed. The con-figuration for this switch input can be found at variable Con-figurationSW.LGSFS.L. Verify that the configurationis set correctly. Verify the wiring and filter status switch. Thehose should be connected to the low side of the switch. Thisalert resets automatically. The dirty filter switch is enabled atConfigurationUNITSENSFLT.S.A409 (Supply Fan Commanded On, Sensed Off Failure)A409 (Supply Fan Commanded Off, Sensed On Failure)T409 (Supply Fan Commanded On, Sensed Off Failure)T409 (Supply Fan Commanded Off, Sensed On Failure)Both the alert and the alarm refer to the same failure. The onlydifference between the alarm and alert is that in the case wherethe supply fan status configuration to shut down the unit is setto YES (ConfigurationUNITSFS.S), the alarm will begenerated AND the unit will be shut down. It is possible toconfigure ConfigurationUNITSFS.M to either a switchor to monitor a 0.2-in. wg rise in duct pressure if the unit isVAV with duct pressure control.The timings for failure for both are the same and are illustratedin the following table:Recovery is manual. Reason for failure may be a broken fanbelt, failed fan relay or failed supply fan status switch.T414 (Loss of Communication with Belimo Actuator)The Belimo economizer motor is a digital controlled motor.The ComfortLink controls can monitor the status of the motor.If there is a problem, this alert will occur. The control will at-tempt to close the economizer dampers.T414 (Belimo Actuator Direction Error)This alert occurs when the economizer damper direction switchis in the wrong position. The direction switch should be in theclockwise (CW) position and the actuator should be mountedso that the CW face of the actuator is accessible. Correct if nec-essary. This alert clears automatically.T414 (Belimo Actuator Failure)This alert occurs when the commanded damper position ischanging too rapidly. This alert resets automatically.T414 (Belimo Actuator Jammed)This alert occurs when the control software has detected that theactuator is no longer moving and the actual position is greaterthan or less than 3% of the commanded position for 20 seconds.Reset is automatic.T414 (Belimo Actuator Range Error)This alert occurs when the economizer range of motion is lessthan 90 degrees. Initiate economizer calibration (Service TestINDPE.CAL) using the Service Test menu.T414 (Excess Outdoor Air)This alert occurs when the control detects a stuck or jammedactuator, it will compare the stuck position to the command po-sition to log additional alerts. If the stuck position greater thanthe commanded position, the alert is set.T414 (Economizing When it Should Not)This alert occurs when the control detects a stuck or jammedactuator, it will compare the stuck position to the command po-sition to log additional alerts. If the stuck position is greaterthan the commanded position, the alert is set.T414 (Economizing When it Should)This alert occurs when the control detects a stuck actuator, itwill compare the stuck position to the command position to logadditional alerts. If the stuck position is less than the com-manded position the alert is set.UNIT TYPE/MODE MINIMUM ON TIME MINIMUM OFF TIMECV (no gas heat) 30 seconds 1 minuteCV (gas heat) 2 minutes 4 minutesVAV (IGV/no gas heat) 2 minutes 4 minutesVAV (VFD/no gas heat) 1 minute 1 minuteVAV (IGV/gas heat) 4 minutes 4 minutesVAV (VFD/gas heat) 3 minutes 4 minutes