14Fig. 17 — Thru-Base Gas Connection FittingsThe thru-base gas connector has male and female threads.The male threads protrude above the basepan of the unit; thefemale threads protrude below the basepan.Check tightness of connector lock nuts before connectinggas piping.Install a 1/2-in. NPT street elbow on the thru-base gas fit-ting. Attach a 1/2-in. pipe nipple with minimum length of16-in. (406 mm) (field-supplied) to the street elbow and ex-tend it through the access panel at the gas support bracket.See Fig. 18.Fig. 18 — Gas Line Piping for 3 to 6 Ton UnitsOther hardware required to complete the installation of thegas supply line includes a manual shutoff valve, a sedimenttrap (drip leg) and a ground-joint union. A pressure regulatorvalve may also be required (to convert gas pressure frompounds to inches of pressure). The manual shutoff valve mustbe located within 6 ft (1.83 m) of the unit. The union, locatedin the final leg entering the unit, must be located at least 9 in.(230 mm) away from the access panel to permit the panel tobe removed for service. If a regulator valve is installed, itmust be located a minimum of 4 ft (1220 mm) away from theunit’s flue outlet. Some municipal codes require that the man-ual shutoff valve be located upstream of the sediment trap.See Fig. 19 and 20 for typical piping arrangements for gaspiping that has been routed through the sidewall of the curb.See Fig. 21 for typical piping arrangement when thru-base isused. Ensure that all piping does not block access to the unit’smain control box or limit the required working space in frontof the control box.Fig. 19 — Gas Piping, Typical Curb Sidewall Piping(Example 1)Fig. 20 — Gas Piping, Typical Curb Sidewall Piping(Example 2)Fig. 21 — Gas Piping, Typical Thru-BaseConnectionsLOW VOLTAGECONDUITCONNECTORHIGH VOLTAGECONDUITCONNECTORBRASS FITTING FOR3 TO 6 TON UNITSAUXILIARYPOWERSUPPLY(OPTIONAL)BRASS FITTINGFOR GAS PIPING SUPPORTBRACKETEMBOSSMENT9” (229mm) minUnionShut OffValveDripLegThru-Curb AdapterUnit Base RailDripLegShut OffValveUnionThru-Curb AdapterBurnerAccessPanel9” (229mm) minUnit Base Rail