24Fig. 42 — Typical Smoke Detector System WiringADDITIONAL APPLICATION DATARefer to Factory-Installed Smoke Detectors for Small and Medi-um Rooftop Units 2 to 25 Tons for discussions on additional con-trol features of these smoke detectors including multiple unit coor-dination. See Fig. 42.SENSOR AND CONTROLLER TESTSSensor Alarm TestThe sensor alarm test checks a sensor’s ability to signal an alarmstate. This test requires that the use of a field provided SD-MAGtest magnet.SENSOR ALARM TEST PROCEDURE1. Hold the test magnet where indicated on the side of thesensor housing for seven seconds.2. Verify that the sensor’s Alarm LED turns on.3. Reset the sensor by holding the test magnet against thesensor housing for two seconds.4. Verify that the sensor’s Alarm LED turns off.Controller Alarm TestThe controller alarm test checks the controller’s ability to initiateand indicate an alarm state.CONTROLLER ALARM TEST PROCEDURE1. Press the controller’s test/reset switch for seven seconds.2. Verify that the controller’s Alarm LED turns on.3. Reset the sensor by pressing the test/reset switch for twoseconds.4. Verify that the controller’s Alarm LED turns off.Dirty Controller TestThe dirty controller test checks the controller’s ability to initiate adirty sensor test and indicate its results.DIRTY CONTROLLER TEST PROCEDURE1. Press the controller’s test/reset switch for two seconds.2. Verify that the controller’s Trouble LED flashes.AEFCDBIMPORTANT: OPERATIONAL TEST ALERTFailure to follow this ALERT can result in an unnecessaryevacuation of the facility.This test places the duct detector into the alarm state.Unless part of the test, disconnect all auxiliary equipmentfrom the controller before performing the test. If the ductdetector is connected to a fire alarm system, notify theproper authorities before performing the test.IMPORTANT: OPERATIONAL TEST ALERTFailure to follow this ALERT can result in an unnecessaryevacuation of the facility.This test places the duct detector into the alarm state.Unless part of the test, disconnect all auxiliary equipmentfrom the controller before performing the test. If the ductdetector is connected to a fire alarm system, notify theproper authorities before performing the test.IMPORTANT: OPERATIONAL TEST ALERTFailure to follow this ALERT can result in an unnecessaryevacuation of the facility.Pressing the controller’s test/reset switch for longer thanseven seconds will put the duct detector into the alarm stateand activate all automatic alarm responses.