24Fig. 35 — Powered Convenience Outlet WiringHACR CIRCUIT BREAKERThe amp rating of the HACR factory-installed option is basedon the size, voltage, indoor motor and other electrical optionsof the unit as shipped from the factory. If field-installed acces-sories are added or changed in the field (i.e., power exhaust,ERV), the HACR circuit breaker may no longer be of the prop-er amp rating and therefore will need to be removed from theunit. See unit nameplate and label on factory-installed HACRcircuit breaker for the amp rating of the HACR circuit breakerthat was shipped with the unit from the factory. See unit name-plates for the proper fuse, HACR circuit breaker or maximumover-current protection device required on the unit with field-installed accessories.Fig. 36 — HACR Circuit Breaker Caution LabelFACTORY OPTION THRU-BASE CONNECTIONS (ELEC-TRICAL CONNECTIONS)This service connection kit consists of a 1/ 2-in. electrical bulk-head connector and a 11/ 4-in. electrical bulkhead connector, allfactory-installed in the embossed (raised) section of the unitbasepan in the condenser section. The 1/ 2-in. bulkhead connec-tor enables the low-voltage control wires to pass through thebasepan. The 11 /4-in. electrical bulkhead connector allows thehigh-voltage power wires to pass through the basepan. SeeFig. 19.Check tightness of connector lock nuts before connecting elec-trical conduits.Field-supplied and field-installed liquid-tight conduit connec-tors and conduit may be attached to the connectors on the base-pan. Pull correctly rated high voltage and low voltage throughappropriate conduits. Connect the power conduit to the internaldisconnect (if unit is so equipped) or to the external disconnect(through unit side panel). A hole must be field cut in the maincontrol box bottom on the left side so the 24-v control connec-tions can be made. Connect the control power conduit to theunit control box at this hole.UNITS WITHOUT THRU-BASE CONNECTIONS1. Install power wiring conduit through side panel openings.Install conduit between disconnect and control box.2. Install power lines to terminal connections as shown inFig. 27.FIELD CONTROL WIRINGThe 48HC unit requires an external temperature control device.This device can be a thermostat (field-supplied) or a Premier-Link™ controller (available as factory-installed option or asfield-installed accessory, for use on a Carrier Comfort Net-work ® or as a stand alone control) or the RTU Open Controllerfor Building Management Systems using non-CCN protocols(RTU Open controller is available as a factory-installed optiononly).THERMOSTATInstall a Carrier-approved accessory 2-stage thermostat accord-ing to installation instructions included with the accessory. Lo-cate the thermostat accessory on a solid wall in the conditionedspace to sense average temperature in accordance with thethermostat installation instructions.If the thermostat contains a logic circuit requiring 24-v power,use a thermostat cable or equivalent single leads of differentcolors with minimum of seven leads. If the thermostat does notrequire a 24-v source (no “C” connection required), use a ther-mostat cable or equivalent with minimum of six leads. See Fig.37 for typical low-voltage control connections. Check the ther-mostat installation instructions for additional features whichmight require additional conductors in the cable.For wire runs up to 50 ft (15 m), use no. 18 AWG (AmericanWire Gage) insulated wire (35°C minimum). For 50 to 75 ft(15 to 23 m), use no. 16 AWG insulated wire (35°C minimum).For over 75 ft (23 m), use no. 14 AWG insulated wire (35°Cminimum). All wire sizes larger than no. 18 AWG cannot bedirectly connected to the thermostat and will require a junctionbox and splice at the thermostat.Unit without Thru-Base Connection KitPass the thermostat control wires through the hole provided inthe end panel (see item “D” in the view labeled “LEFT” in Fig.2 or Fig. 3); then feed the wires through the raceway built intothe corner post to the control box. Pull the wires over to the ter-minal strip on the upper-left corner of the Central TerminalBoard (CTB). See Fig. 38.NOTE: If thru-the-bottom connections accessory is used, refer tothe accessory installation instructions for information on routingpower and control wiring.UNITVOLTAGECONNECTASPRIMARYCONNECTIONSTRANSFORMERTERMINALS208,230 240 L1: RED +YELL2: BLU + GRAH1 + H3H2 + H4460 480L1: REDSplice BLU + YELL2: GRAH1H2 + H3H4575 600 L1: REDL2: GRAH1H2