22Fig. 39 — Convenience Outlet LocationUnit-powered typeA unit-mounted transformer is factory-installed to stepdownthe main power supply voltage to the unit to 115-v at the du-plex receptacle. This option also includes a manual switch withfuse, located in a utility box and mounted on a bracket behindthe convenience outlet; access is through the unit’s control boxaccess panel. See Fig. 39.The primary leads to the convenience outlet transformer arenot factory-connected. Selection of primary power source is acustomer option. If local codes permit, the transformer primaryleads can be connected at the line-side terminals on the unit-mounted non-fused disconnect; this will provide service powerto the unit when the unit disconnect switch is open. Other con-nection methods will result in the convenience outlet circuitbeing de-energized when the unit disconnect switch is open.See Fig. 41. On a unit without a unit-mounted disconnect, con-nect the source leads to the main terminal block (TB1).If the convenience outlet transformer is connected to the lineside of a field disconnect, the conduit provided with the unitmust be used to protect the wire as they are routed from thetransformer to the field disconnect. The end of the conduit withthe straight connector attaches to the field disconnect. The oth-er end does not need to connect to the transformer; however,the conduit must be routed so that all wiring is either in theconduit or behind the access panel.If the convenience outlet transformer is connected to the lineside of the factory disconnect option, route the wires throughthe web bushing located on the bottom of the disconnect box.For the load side wiring to the factory option disconnect, routethe wires through the hole on the right side of the disconnect.Be sure to create a drip loop at least 6-in. long.Test the GFCI receptacle by pressing the TEST button on theface of the receptacle to trip and open the receptacle. Check forproper grounding wires and power line phasing if the GFCI re-ceptacle does not trip as required. Press the RESET button toclear the tripped condition.Fig. 40 — Convenience Utilization NoticeFig. 41 — Unit Powered Convenience Outlet WiringFuse on power typeThe factory fuse is a Bussman 1 “Fusetron” T-15, non-renew-able screw-in (Edison base) type plug fuse.ConvenienceOutletGFCIPwd-COFuseSwitchPwd-COTransformerDisconnectAccess Panel1. Bussman and Fusetron are trademarks of Cooper TechnologiesCompany.WARNINGELECTRICAL OPERATION HAZARDFailure to follow this warning could result in personal inju-ry or death.Using unit-mounted convenience outlets: Units with unit-mounted convenience outlet circuits will often require thattwo disconnects be opened to de-energize all power to theunit. Treat all units as electrically energized until the conve-nience outlet power is also checked and de-energization isconfirmed. Observe National Electrical Code Article 210,Branch Circuits, for use of convenience outlets.2.050HE501288NOTICE/AVISConvenience Outlet UtilizationMaximum Intermittent Use 15 - AmpsMaximum Continuous Use 8 - AmpsObserve a 50% limit on the circuitLoading above 8 - AmpsUtilisation de la prise utilitaireUsage intermittent maximum 15 - AmpsUsage continu maximum 8 - AmpsObservez une limite de 50% sur le circuitChargement au-dessus de 8 - AmpsUNITVOLTAGECONNECTASPRIMARYCONNECTIONSTRANSFORMERTERMINALS208,230 240 L1: RED +YELL2: BLU + GRAH1 + H3H2 + H4460 480L1: REDSplice BLU + YELL2: GRAH1H2 + H3H4575 600 L1: REDL2: GRAH1H2