58HumidistatThe accessory humidistat provides the RTU Open control-ler insight to the relative humidity in the space. The humidi-stat reads the RH level in the space and compares it to its set-point to operate a dry contact. The humidistat is a dedicatedinput on the configurable input 9 and tells the RTU Open con-troller when the RH level is HIGH or LOW. The normal con-dition for humidity is LOW. A normally open humidistat isthe factory default control for the Humidi-MiZer systemoption.To wire in the field:• J5-8 = 24 vac source for dry contact• J5-7 = Signal inputSMOKE DETECTOR/FIRE SHUTDOWN (FSD)On 50HC 14 units equipped with factory-installed smokedetector(s), the smoke detector controller implements the unitshutdown through its NC contact set connected to the unit’sCTB input. The FSD function is initiated via the smoke de-tector’s Alarm NO contact set. The RTU Open controllercommunicates the smoke detector’s tripped status to the BASbuilding control. See Fig. 80, (RTU Open Controller wiringdiagrams).The Fire Shutdown Switch configuration, MENUCon-figInputsinput 5, identifies the normally open status ofthis input when there is no fire alarm.CONNECTING DISCRETE INPUTSFilter StatusThe filter status accessory is a field-installed accessory.This accessory detects plugged filters. When installing thisaccessory, the unit must be configured for filter status by set-ting MENUConfigInputsinput 3, 5, 8, or 9 to FilterStatus and normally open (N/O) or normally closed (N/C). In-put 8 or 9 is recommended for ease of installation. Refer toFig. 79 and Fig. 80 or 81 for wire terminations at J5.Fan StatusThe fan status accessory is a field-installed accessory. Thisaccessory detects when the indoor fan is blowing air. Wheninstalling this accessory, the unit must be configured for fanstatus by setting MENUConfigInputsinput 3, 5, 8, or9 to Fan Status and normally open (N/O) or normally closed(N/C). Input 8 or 9 is recommended for ease of installation.Refer to Fig. 79 and Fig. 80 or 81 for wire terminations at J5.Remote OccupancyThe remote occupancy accessory is a field-installed acces-sory. This accessory overrides the unoccupied mode and putsthe unit in occupied mode. When installing this accessory, theunit must be configured for remote occupancy by settingMENUConfigInputsinput 3, 5, 8, or 9 to Remote Oc-cupancy and normally open (N/O) or normally closed (N/C).Also set MENUSchedulesoccupancy source to DIon/off. Input 8 or 9 is recommended for ease of installation.Refer to Fig. 79 and Table 25 for wire terminations at J5.Power Exhaust (output)The relay used by the RTU Open controller board to con-trol power exhaust is a dry contact which means it does nothave 24 vac. This 24 vac must be connected to the relay to al-low it to operate the power exhaust relay in the PE accessory.A 24 vac source must be provided to J11-2 on the RTU Opencontroller board. This can be provided by the unit’s trans-former from various sources. The “R” terminal on the unit’scentral terminal board (CTB) is a logical source. Refer toFig. 79 and Fig. 80 or 81 for wire terminations at J11.Communication Wiring — ProtocolsGENERALProtocols are the communication languages spoken bycontrol devices. The main purpose of a protocol is to commu-nicate information in the most efficient method possible. Dif-ferent protocols exist to provide different kinds of informa-tion for different applications. In the BAS application, manydifferent protocols are used, depending on manufacturer. Pro-tocols do not change the function of a controller, just makethe front end user different.The RTU Open controller can be set to communicate onfour different protocols: BACnet, Modbus, N2, and Lon-Works. Switch 3 (SW3) on the board is used to set protocoland baud rate. Switches 1 and 2 (SW1 and SW2) are used toset the board’s network address. See Fig. 89 and 90 for proto-col switch settings and address switches. The third party con-nection to the RTU Open controller is through plug J19. SeeFig. 91 for wiring.NOTE: Power must be cycled after changing the SW1-3 switchsettings.Refer to the RTU Open Controller Integration Guide formore detailed information on protocols, third party wiring,and networking.SW3 Protocol SelectionNOTE:DS = Dip SwitchBACnet MS/TP SW3 example shownBaud Rate SelectionsFig. 89 — RTU Open Controller SW3 Dip Switch SettingsPROTOCOL DS8 DS7 DS6 DS5 DS4 DS3 DS2 DS1BACnet MS/TP (Master) Unused OFF OFF OFF ON OFF SelectBaud Select BaudModbus (Slave) Unused OFF OFF ON ON OFF SelectBaud Select BaudN2 (Slave) Unused OFF OFF OFF ON ON OFF OFFLonWorks Unused ON ON OFF ON OFF OFF ONBAUD RATE DS2 DS19600 OFF OFF19,200 ON OFF38,400 OFF ON76,800 ON ONUNUSED(OFF)(ON)COMMOPTIONPORT SET TO MSTP(MASTER)SET TO38.4kBAUDPROTOCOL SELECTOR DIP SWITCHES