54RTU Open Controller SystemThe RTU Open controller is factory--mounted in the 50HCunit’s main control box (see Fig. 70), to the left of theCTB. Factory wiring is completed through harnessesconnected to the CTB. Field--connections for RTU Opencontroller sensors will be made at the PCB connectors onthe RTU Open board. The factory--installed RTU Opencontroller includes the supply--air temperature (SAT)sensor. The outdoor air temperature (OAT) sensor isincluded in the FIOP/accessory EconoMi$erR2 package.The RTU Open controller is an integrated component ofthe Carrier rooftop unit. Its internal applicationprogramming provides optimum performance and energyefficiency. RTU Open enables the unit to run in 100%stand--alone control mode, Carrier’s i--VuR Open network,or a Third Party Building Automation System (BAS).On--board DIP switches allow you to select your protocol(and baud rate) of choice among the four most popularprotocols in use today: BACnet*, Modbus{, Johnson N2and LonWorks**. (See Fig. 69.)Refer to Table 23, RTU Open Controller Inputs andOutputs for locations of all connections to the RTU Opencontroller board.NOTE: The RTU Open controller acts as an intelligentimbedded thermostat. A room thermostat cannot be usedwith the RTU Open controller.J4J2J1J5 J5J22J17J19 J14J11J22J3J13J12J15J20Network CommConfigurable - Input_824 VACConfigurable - Input_524 VACConfigurable - Input_324 VACInput_9 (Humidistat)24 VAC24 VACInput _8 (Enthalpy)AO-1 (ECON)Gnd(OAT)Gnd(SAT)Input_5 (SMK)Input_4 (R)BO-5 (Y1)BO-4 (Y2)BO-3 (W1)BO-2 (W2)BO-1 (G)GndInput_3 (X)24 VAC IN+24 VDCInput_2 (CO2/RH)Gnd+24 VDCInput_1 (CO2/RH)GndBoard Power(AO-1)0-10VDC4-20mABO-6(H) HumidimizerBO-7(Reversing Valve/High Speed Fan/Y3)BO-8(Power Exhaust)LonWorksOption CardPortExample set forBACnet MS/TPand 76.8K baud(1, 2, and 4 ON)Recommended for alli-Vu Open installationsProtocol Selector SPT (temp input) BACnet, Modbus, or N2(LON connection J15)SPT (common)SPT (offset input)*Removeboth for 0-5VAO-2GND(2-10V)3-VoltLithiumBatteryBO-1 BO-2 BO-3 BO-4 BO-5BO-6BO-7BO-8VFD OutputC14129Fig. 69 -- RTU Open Multi--Protocol Controller Board* BACnet is a registered trademark of ASHRAE (American Society ofHeating, Refrigerating and Air---Conditioning Engineers).{ Modbus is a registered trademark of Schneider Electric.** LonWorks is a registered trademark of Echelon Corporation.