Compressor Removal — See Table 2 for com¬pressor information; Fig. 14 for component loca¬tion. Shut off power to unit. Remove refrigerantfrom system using refrigerant removal methodsdescribed in Carrier Standard Service TechniquesManual, Chapter 1, Refrigerants.Follow safety codes, and wear safety glasses andwork gloves. Have quenching cloth available.If either compressor fails due to motor burnout,it is necessary to replace both compressors. Sinceboth compressors use common oil, one compressorburnout contaminates both compressors.1. Remove unit top cover and front accesswrapper.2. Remove compressor terminal box cover, dis¬connect and remove compressor power leads.3. Using a tubing cutter, cut suction and dischargelines at convenient place near compressor foreasy reassembly to new compressor with copperslip couplings.4. Disconnect equalizer tube from compressorshell.5. Remove crankcase heater from compressorbase.6. Remove compressor hold-down bolts. Lift outcompressor.7. Carefully unbraze suction and discharge linepiping stubs from compressor. If oil vapor inpiping stubs ignites, use quenching cloth.8. Braze piping stubs (removed in step 7) onto newcompressor.9. Clean system. Add new liquid line heat pumpfilter-drier as described below.10. Install new compressor in unit. Braze suctionand discharge lines to compressor piping stubs(at points where cut, step 3) using field-suppliedcopper couplings. Reconnect equalizer tube.Teflon O-ring in fitting is reusable. Torquefitting to 30-40 ft-lb. Ensure compressor hold¬down bolts are in place. Connect wiring.11. Evacuate and recharge system.Lubrication — Compressor contains factory oilcharge. Replace oil when lost. See Table 2 for oilrecharge. If necessary, refer to Carrier StandardService Techniques Manual, Chapter 1, Refrig¬erants, pages 1-21, for oil recharging procedure.Use Carrier PP33-1, Texaco Capella B or Suniso3G oil.Filter-Drier — Install accessory heat pump filter-drier (Table 4) in system liquid line when refrig¬erant system is opened for service as described underCompressor Removal. Position drier in liquid line atconvenient location.Pumpdown Procedure (Cooling Cycle) — The38HQ units may be pumped down in order to makerepairs on low side of system without losing com¬plete refrigerant charge.VAPOR LINECONNECTIONS'.COMPRESSORNO 1REVERSIN)VALVE DISCHARGELINECOMPRESSOR ■SCHRADERFITTINGSUCTION LINEACCUMULATORLOWPRESSURESWTCHCOMPRESSORNOTERMINALBOXCRANKCASEHEATER INDOOR COMPRESSOR SECTIONRUN| CAPACITOR ^‘^^ER CONTROL'run■ CAPACITOR N0.2 CONTROL WIRETERMINAL BOARDCONTROLBOXMUFFLERSCHRADERFITTINGDEFROST STARTTIMER CAPACITORSNO 2SIGNAL-LOG"NOINO 2COMPRESSOR 'CONTACTORNO. I NO. 2INDOOR COMPRESSOR SECTION-TOP VIEWACCESSORYOUTDOORTHERMOSTATLOCATIONCONTROLVOLTAGESECTIONDEFROSTTHERMOSTAT'LIQUID LINE SERVICEVALVE (WITH SERVICE PORT)VAPOR LINE SERVICE VALVE(WITH SERVICE PORT) 38HQ OUTDOOR COIL SECTIONFig. 14 — Component Location14