- 59 - Mobile Picture & Video PlayerSend as Attachment Menus and ButtonsAssign Name ToAddressAbout This ScreenAssigns a nickname to a mail address. This commandis available only while the “Addressee” tab is displayed.Displays a dialog box copyright and version informationabout Mobile Picture & Video Player. The dialog boxalso shows a list of CASSIOPEIA key operations thatcan be used with this screen.Command Button DescriptionClearPreset TextTo OutboxClears the contents of the subject and bodytext boxes.Displays a dialog box for selecting presettext. This command is available only whilethe “Message” tab is displayed.Transfers mail to the Outbox.ButtonsEdit MenuCommand DescriptionAlbum Index Screen Menus and ButtonsRename/MoveDeleteDisplays a dialog box for changing the title of the cur-rently selected album or moving the album to a differentstorage location.Deletes the album that is selected on the album index.View MenuCommand DescriptionAbout This Screen Displays a dialog box copyright and version informationabout Mobile Picture & Video Player. The dialog boxalso shows a list of CASSIOPEIA key operations thatcan be used with this screen.Shortcut MenuCommand Description