70Registering discounts and premiumsDiscount for Items and subtotalsRefer to "Preparing and using discounts" in "Basic Operations and Setups" on page 34.Premium for Items and subtotalsOPERATION RECEIPT$7p32*Mps20-a• You can manually input rates up to 4 digits long (0.01% to 99.99%).Taxable status of the p key• Whenever you perform a discount/premium operation on the last item registered, the tax calculation for dis-count/premium amount is performed in accordance with the tax status programmed for that item.• Whenever you perform a discount/premium operation on a subtotal amount, the tax calculation for the subtotalamount is performed in accordance with the tax status programmed for the p key.Applies the input value as apremium rate (7%).For this operation, pressthis key instead of s.Applies the preset premiumrate (5%) to the subtotal.Unit price ($10.00)preset—————————Quantity 1Item 1 —————————Dept. 4—————————Taxable (2) preset—————————————Premium Rate 7%—————————————Unit price ($5.00)preset—————————Quantity 1Item 2 —————————PLU 32—————————Taxable (2) preset—————————————Subtotal Rate (5%)preset—————————premium Taxable (1 and 2)preset—————————————Payment Cash $20.00OPA-A08PGMA-A08Mode SwitchXZCALREGOFFRFPGM12-11-2000 13:15 0001REG C 01 000057DEPT04 ¤ $10.007%%+ $0.70PLU032 ¤ $5.00ST $15.705%%+ ⁄¤ $0.79TA2 $16.49TX2 $1.65TL $18. 14CA $20.00CG $1.86Convenient Operations and Setups