93Advanced Operations and SetupsCE-6000 User’s Manual8019FMode switchX1/Z1(read/reset)X HOURLY000001900:00->01:00CT 1GROSS $1.10NET No 11.90% $1.2023:00->00:00CT 1GROSS $3.45NET No 13.90% $3.59------------------------TL CT 280GROSS $1,937.61NET No 25$2,096.80— Read symbol/report title— Report code— Time range— No. of customers— Gross sales amount— No. of receipt— Sales ratio/net sales amount— Total No. of customers— Gross total amount— Total No. of receipt— Net total amountTo print the PLU read/reset reportThis report shows sales for PLUs.OPERATION REPORT8014FMode switchX1/Z1(read/reset)X PLU0000014PLU0001 170.53% $17.00#0001PLU0100 424.03% $69.00#0100------------------------TL 188.61$516.10— Read symbol/report title— Report code— PLU name/No. of items— Sales ratio/PLU amount— PLU code— Total No. of items— Total amountTo print the hourly sales read/reset reportThis report shows hourly breakdowns of sales.OPERATION REPORTwww.cashregisters.net