62-8 Electrical Potential SurfaceDescription : Measures and graphs the distributionof electric potential on the surface ofa paper.Probe : Voltage ProbeFile Name : ELEPOTSF* Change the set up screen’s Fix setting to 1 beforeexecuting this program.2-9 Free Fall of Ball and RepulsionCoefficientDescription : Graphs the height, speed, and changesin acceleration over time of a falling ball,and determines the repulsion coeffi-cient from the height of the rebound.Probe : Motion DetectorFile Name : FREEFALL2-10 Distance from Light Sourceand IntensityDescription : Determines the relationshipbetween the distance from a lightsource and illuminance.Probes : Light Prove, Motion DetectorFile Name : LIGHTINT2-11 Lissajous CurvesDescription : Produces a Lissajous curve usingtwo sine waves for which a simpleintegral ratio is established.Probes : Two Voltage ProbesFile Name : LISSAJOUMotion detectorTo EA-100 Volley ball,basket ball, etc. StandToEA-100Direction ofmotion Light sensorMotion detectorBook or other support GuidelineLight bulb insideof cardboardbox with holeLow-frequency Oscillator Low-frequency OscillatorCH1CH2Move + terminalduring measurement Attach terminal– terminal(fixed)Pasteconductivepaper to thickpaperUse pencil todraw gridline