— 14 —ORHYTHMPDRAWBAR ORGANQDSPRPIANO SETTINGSCursor key UpTCursor key RightUCursor key DownVCursor key LeftWEXITXAUTO HARMONIZEYSPLITZLAYERInitial Setup1. Connect an AC adaptor.2. Connect a Sustain pedal.3. "Main" volume: MAX.NOTE: If there is no pedal or MIDI cable, pedal or MIDI check can be skipped. How to start diagnostic program1. Press the “POWER” button while pressing the “Cursor key Up” and “Cursor key Down” buttons.2. Release the “POWER” button first while still pressing the “Cursor key UP” and “Cursor key Down”buttons. After “000 Sy.Gr Pno” appears, release the “Cursor key UP” and “Cursor key Down”buttons. “TEST 705” appears on the LCD.NOTE: Refer to the figure below for the LCD messages that appear during the diagnostic program.1MODE2ONE TOUCH PRESET3ACCOMP VOLUME4INTRO/ENDING 15INTRO/ENDING 26VARIATION/FILL-IN 17VARIATION/FILL-IN 28SYNCHRO/FILL-IN NEXT9START/STOP@TEMPOATEMPOBBANKCREGISTRATION 1DREGISTRATION 2EREGISTRATION 3FREGISTRATION 4GSTOREHTRANSPOSE/FUNCTIONIMIXERJSYNTHKEFFECTLSONG MEMORYMSMF PLAYERNTONEDIAGNOSTIC PROGRAM Diagnostic program1. Button check1 Press “DSP” button. Display indicates 3 “MODE”.2 Press buttons in the following order.NOTE: NG sound sounds when a button is defective or buttons are pressed in a wrong order.LCD message appears in the area 3OTPACMP VOLINT/END1INT/END2VAR/FIL 1VAR/FIL 2SYNCHROSTRT/STPTEMPO/DWTEMPO/UPBANKREGIST 1REGIST 2REGIST 3REGIST 4STORETRN/FUNCMIXERSYNTHEFFECTSONGSMFTONERHYTHMMessage on LCD Message on LCD Message on LCD Message on LCD1 2 3 4 567890ABCDDRAWBARDSPPIANOUPRIGHTDOWNLEFTEXITHARMOSPLITLAYER0[0 buttons\1 buttons]4 buttons`7 buttonsa8 buttonsb5 buttonsc2 buttonsd- buttonse+ buttonsf3 buttonsg6 buttonsh9 buttonsiDEMO147852-+369DEMOSW OK[\]^TUSVWZYXGFEDCBA09876541 2 3HJLIKM iQNOPRdcbaefgh