E-15Loading and Removing the Battery PackEDFNXSEDWWHU\7KHEDWWHU\SDFNLVXVHGWRSRZHUQRUPDORSHUDWLRQVDQGWRVWRUHGDWDZKLOHWKHPHPRU\EDFNXSEDWWHU\ EXLOWLQ SURYLGHVWKHSRZHUUHTXLUHGWRPDLQWDLQPHPRU\FRQWHQWVZKHQWKHEDWWHU\SDFNSRZHULVXQDEOHWRVXSSO\SRZHUIRUVRPHUHDVRQ:KHQWKHEDWWHU\SDFNSRZHUJRHVORZLPPHGLDWHO\FKDUJHLWRUUHSODFHLWZLWKDFKDUJHGEDWWHU\SDFNRU(WKHUQHW&UDGOHWRFKDUJHDEDWWHU\SDFN6HHWKHUHVSHFWLYHXVHU¶VJXLGHVIRUinformation about how to charge.Important!Remaining capacity on a battery pack when you purchase it may be depleteddue to testing at the factory or natural discharge during shipment and storage.Be sure to charge the battery pack before you use it.The life of a battery pack is limited, and charging a battery pack causes it togradually lose its ability to maintain the charge. If your battery pack seems torequire charging very frequently, it probably means it is time to purchase a new one.If a battery pack is used past the end of its service life, it may swell up in size. Insuch a case, replace the battery pack with a new one.When the battery pack is attached, it takes 30 minutes for the backup battery toobtain enough charge for maintaining memory (RAM) contents for 10 minutes.It takes four days for the backup battery to achieve a full charge.xxxx