Next, we want to narrow down our selection even further by conducting another search,this time for "Birmingham". Call up the 'Search...' function again and enter "Birming-ham". This time, however, make sure you activate [Use Last Search Result], so thatour "Birmingham" search will be limited to the records containing the name "Smith".Again, leave the field [Match Case] deactivated, so that no distinction is made betweencapital and small letters. Choose [OK] to start the second search. The List Window willnow display only records that contain both "Smith" and "Birmingham". The found recordsare now available for further processing. They can be selected and then placed intoother programs via the Clipboard, and they can be printed or marked (i.e. via 'Edit':'Toggle Mark Flag').To display all the records of the current area again, choose 'Search': 'Discard All SearchResults'.3.2.8 Deleting Certain RecordsIn this example we want to eliminate all doubles from the Telephone Directory, i.e. allrecords that are totally identical. Doubles may arise, for instance, if you have an identicalstock of records on your PC and on your CASIO Digital Diary and you have addeddifferent records on both units. When you transmit the CASIO data via [Append], you willget doubles.To delete the superfluous records, choose 'Options': 'Erase Area...'. A dialog box ispresented, prompting you to select the database areas in which you want to weed outthe doubles. For the sake of our example, click on [Telephone]. To erase doubles only,specify [Doubles Only] under "Scope". Choose [OK]. The program now erases all recordsthat are totally identical, so that each record is only available once.3.2.9 Transmitting Data from a PC to a CASIO Digital DiaryAfter editing data on the PC you now want to send it to your CASIO Digital Diary. Weassume that the cable has been connected to the two units. If not, link them up asdescribed in Chapter 2.Unless you have modified the transmission setup since our earlier section entitled "Trans-mitting Data from a CASIO Digital Diary to a PC", it should still be correct. If the twosetups differ, make sure they are identical again, following the instructions in the above-mentioned section.Note:Please note that the two units cannot communicate unless they both have the sametransmission setup.To start sending data, call up 'Casio': 'Send To Casio...'. To select all database areas,click on [All]. Alternatively, you can also select all areas separately, with the mouse. The"Scope" should also be set to [All Items].Next, prepare the CASIO Digital Diary for reception, as described in Appendix C. Starttransmission first on the CASIO Digital Diary and then on the PC.Working with the FA-127 18