40The SpreadsheetsSETUPWhen a formula contains an error, there will be an error message nextto the re-calculations. The automatic re-calculation can be turned offin the SETUP with Auto Calc: OffIn order for more decimal places to be shown, one must set “Value”under Show Cell in the SETUP.Copy and Fill AreasCopy cell contents with [F2] (EDIT) [F2] (COPY); insert intoany other cell with [F1] (PASTE). To insert a formula into a cell range:[F2] (EDIT) [F6] (>) [F1]Enter a sequence of numbers, e.g. from 1-50 into a cell range with[F2] (EDIT) [F5] (SEQ)Graphic and RegressionTo direct one to the Graphics plotting and Regression, start fromthe main window, with [F6] (Next page). Set the graphs as shownin the Statistics application.Spreadsheet• To prevent the automatic re-calculations of the worksheets:SETUP• Copy and Paste on EDIT• EDIT: Fill cell areas with FILL• EDIT: Enter results with SEQ.