EN-14BASS PIANOPERCUSSION (No.99)• PERCUSSION (Tone 99) assigns 35 percussion sounds tothe keyboard as shown below. The sounds assigned to eachkey are indicated above the keyboard.❚ NOTE• Always enter two digits for the tone number. If you enter onlyone digit, the display will automatically return to the previoustone number setting after a few seconds.• If you change the tone setting while a keyboard key isdepressed, the tone does not change until you release the keyand press a keyboard key again.• With certain tones (such as percussion sounds and soundeffects), there may be very little or no change at all in the pitch,no matter which keyboard key you press.• If you input the wrong first digit for a tone number, you canreturn to the previous setting by pressing the TONO (TONE)button.Keyboard split tonesSome of the preset tones split the keyboard and assign twoor more sounds. With such a preset tone, the sound produceddepends on what position of the keyboard you play. Forexample, BASS/PIANO (tone 90) puts BASS on the left andPIANO on the right of the keyboard.BASS/PIANO (No.90)Basic OperationsThis part of the manual provides you with the basicinformation you need to use your keyboard.To switch power on and off1. Set the ALIMENTACIÓN/MODO (POWER/MODE) selector to NORMAL.2. Press the keyboard keys.3. Use the VOLUMEN (VOLUME) slider to set thevolume to a relatively low level.4. To switch power off, set the ALIMENTACIÓN/MODO (POWER/MODE) selector to OFFposition.To change tones1. Find the tone you want to use in the “Tone List”(page A-1) and note its tone number.2. Press the TONO (TONE) button.3. Use the number buttons to input the 2-digitnumber that identifies the tone you want toselect.Example: To select “26 ACOUSTIC BASS”, input 2 andthen 6.G r a n d P n oIndicator appearsA c o . B a s sALIMENTACIÓN/MODO(POWER/MODE) DEMOSTRACIÓN (DEMO)VOLUMEN(VOLUME)TEMPO/VALOR (TEMPO/VALUE)RITMO (RHYTHM) TONO (TONE)Number buttonsINICIO/PARADA (START/STOP)SINCRO/RELLENO (SYNCHRO/FILL-IN) CANCIÓN (SONG BANK)