E-26Music Challenge Keyboard GameMusic Challenge is a game that measures your reactionspeed as you press keys in response to keyboard keys thatlight and to on-screen fingering guide indications.1. Press bp (SONG BANK).2. Press cm.This causes a keyboard key to start flashing, and startsthe Music Challenge song.3. After the keyboard key changes from flashingto lit, press the key with the finger indicated onthe screen as quickly as possible.This causes the lighting of the key you press to go out,indicating you have cleared the first note. The next keywill start flashing, so get ready to press it next.• The time it takes you to press the keyboard key after itlights appears on the display (Unit: 0.1sec). The shorterthe time, the higher your score.• Pressing a key before it goes from flashing to lit, will notadvance to the next note.blblbpbp11 bnbnbobocmcmDisplayed during a game.Number of remaining notesFingeringM . C H A L . !Time0.3sec