E-57Useful featuresAdvanced programmings and registrationsSetting charactersThe following explanation shows how you can set a name in a PLU. You can alsoset names to departments, function keys (p, m), and clerks by the samemethod.Sample OperationTo set “MILK” to PLU0001 by using ten key pad.Step Display1 Turn the Mode switch to PGM position. The display showsthe program top menu.2 Using > or ? keys, select [PLU Setting] and pressF key.Enter the PLU number in which you wish to set charactersand press F key.3 On the next screen, make sure that the PLU number youwish to set is selected. If you wish to change it, use > or? keys.Press F key.4 Select the top column of the [PLU Setting screen] andinput the character you wish to set. In this example,6444555'55 (for MILK). Thenpress F key to complete the setting.