105Your PV Unit lets you set up a secret memory area that keeps your data safeand secure under a password you specify. After you enter the secret memoryarea, you can use the Scheduler, Contacts, Memo, and Expense Managermodes to store data.Important!• You can have only one secret memory area at any one time.• All secret data for all modes is stored in the same secret memory area,regardless of what mode you were in when you created the secret memoryarea.• Make sure you do not forget your password! There is no way to look up apassword if you forget it. You will have to reset the PV Unit and clear allits memory contents in order to clear a forgotten password and create anew secret memory area.Chapter8 Secret FunctionCreating a New Secret Memory Area ......................................... 106To create a new secret memory area ......................................................... 106Using the Secret Memory Area .................................................... 107To enter an existing secret memory area .................................................. 107To exit the secret memory area ................................................................. 107To change your password ......................................................................... 108To transfer data from the open memory area to the secret memory area .... 108To transfer data from the secret memory area to the open memory area .... 1108