44• You can switch between the 1-Month Calendar and 2-Month Calendarat any time during the following steps.2. Tap the individual dates you want to highlight, or drag the stylus acrossthe range of dates you want to highlight.• If you make a mistake and highlight the wrong date, simply tap or dragacross it to unhighlight.3. If you want to highlight dates in other months, tap the tool bar’s(HHHHH) and (JJJJJ) buttons to change months, and repeat step 2.• You can highlight dates only within the year that contains the monthwhere the date cursor was located when you started this procedure.4. After all date highlighting is the way you want it, tap Save to store it.To unhighlight dates1. While the 1-Month Calendar or 2-Month Calendar is on the display, tapthe Menu Bar icon to display the menu bar, and then tap Option –Unhighlight.2. Specify the start month and end month of the period whose dates youwant to unhighlight.• Note that you can unhighlight dates for a range of months only. Youcannot unhighlight individual dates.3. After the dates are the way you want them, tap Exe.4. In response to the message that appears, tap Yes to unhighlight all datesin the range you specified or No to close the dialog box without doinganythinng.