120Chapter 11 Pop Up ToolsTo perform constant calculations1. On the calculator screen, input the first value of the operation, tap anarithmetic operator key twice, and then input the second value of theoperation.• You can perform a constant calculation using +, –, #, or $.• The first value you input (the one to the left of the arithmetic operator)is the one that will be used as the constant.• Tapping an arithmetic operator key twice causes the indicator K to appearon the display to indicate that a constant calculation is being performed.2. Tap = to display the result of the operation.• Inputting 4 # # 2 = would produce a result of 8.3. Tap = again to multiply the result by the constant.• Tapping = again with the example shown under step 2 would produce aresult of 32 (8 × 4).• Each subsequent tap of = multiplies the last result obtained by theconstant. Continuing with the above example, tapping = would producethe following results: = 128 (32 × 4), = 512 (128 × 4), = 2048 (512 × 4),and so on.To correct entries during calculations• If you enter a wrong value, tap C to clear the value and then input thecorrect one.• If you tap the wrong arithmetic key (+, –, #, $), simply tap the correctarithmetic key before inputting anything else.About calculation errorsAn error indicator appears on the display and further calculation becomesimpossible whenever an error occurs.Error indicator