3Starting on the left you have the Pitch Bend (Bender)and the Mod (Modulation) Wheels, followed by theKnob and Slider Controller section. Basically, theseare used to adjust sound and effects characteristics.Crossing past the display we come to the sectionlabeled Stage Settings: these are the main soundobjects you’ll be selecting and playing. There areten numbered switches along with a Bank Button.Ten banks of 10 “sounds” each means you have100 Stage Settings to play and enjoy.The next section of buttons is a rather crowdedarea, with some controls that will be more importantto you than others, depending on what you’redoing. When first starting out playing the PX-5S wesuggest you ignore this section completely. We’llcome back to it when needed.Next up is the Power On/Off Switch; you hold it fora few moments to power on/off. The Volume Knobis self-explanatory.The other buttons all aid you in navigating through the deeper editingmodes and functions of the PX-5S, and for loading, saving and writing newsounds and edits into memory and/or to a USB thumb drive.QUICK TOURof the front panel