Advanced OperationsTE-8000F/8500F User’s Manual 61 ECondiment/preparation PLUsYou can force entering condiment or preparation PLU after the main PLU registration by programming.Example (condiment PLU)OPERATION RECEIPT(.12+13+FExample (preparation PLU)OPERATION RECEIPT),22+23+FREG 03-04-2003 14:50C01 MC #01 0010801 PLU0001 •10.001 PLU0106 •0.101 PLU0012 •0.201 PLU0013 •0.30TL •10.60CASH •10.60Registering main PLU.No condiment registrationoccurs an error condition.Main item Flat 1 $10.00—————————————Flat 106 $0.10—————————Condiment PLU 12 $0.20—————————PLU 13 $0.30—————————————Payment Cash $10.60REG 03-04-2003 14:55C01 MC #01 0010811 PLU0002 •20.001 PLU00041 PLU00221 PLU0023TL •20.00CASH •20.00Registering main PLU.Main item Flat 2 $20.00—————————————Flat 4 $0.00—————————Preparation PLU 22 $0.00—————————PLU 23 $0.00—————————————Payment Cash $20.00Text recallThis procedure is used to recall text by inputting the address where the text is stored. The recalled text isprinted on the receipt and journal. You can also choose recall texts by text recall sub window, which is shownby pressing directly.ExampleOPERATION RECEIPT46-(1B10-)2BsFFlat 1 $46.00Item 1 —————————Quantity 1—————————————Flat 2 $10.00Item 2 —————————Quantity 1—————————————Payment Cash $56.00—————————————Text 1 MEDIUM SIZE—————————————Text 2 SMALL SIZEREG 03-04-2003 15:00C01 MC #01 0010821 PLU0001 •46.00MEDIUM SIZE1 PLU0002 •10.00SMALL SIZETL •56.00CASH •56.00TEXTRECALLTEXTRECALL