TK-7000 SCANNING INSTRUCTIONSTo Enter New Items1. TURN Key to PGM2. PRESS 3 Subtotal3. ENTER 00714. PRESS Subtotal5 ENTER 06. PRESS Cash7. SCAN Barcode (or enter barcode number andpress “Manual Scan” button)8. ENTER Price (no decimal place)9. PRESS Cash10. ENTER Group# followed by Dept# then 00 (eg000100) and press CASH OR PressDepartment button11. TYPE Product Description12. PRESS 00 button13. PRESS Cash14. ENTER 215. PRESS CashCashCashNOTES:1. You cannot do this procedure while the shop is open for business.You will make mistakes when you are interrupted.2. If you make a mistake, or think you may have made a mistake, presssubtotal once only and wait. It may take some time for the machine tofinish processing the items you have entered. You may need to re-enterthe item you were working on when you made the mistake.3. We recommend that you enter no more than 30 to 40 items at once.As you enter the items, they are stored in a buffer – if too many areentered at once the machine will slow down. As soon as the machinehas finished (receipt is issued and cut) you can go back to step A4above and enter more items.