– 71 –Z-4 Creating Text MaterialsFigure 4 shows the computer screen after capture of a graph screen from the graphcalculator. This image can be saved directly to a file, or you can copy it and paste it intoanother application.Figure 4 Screen Capture(3) Pasting ImagesUse the following procedure to paste an image into a word processor or other application youare using to create materials.1 Display the screen you want on the graphic calculator.2 Use the LINK software to execute Link-Screen Capture.3 On the graphic calculator, press M.4 Use File Save to save the image for later use. Or you can perform the next two steps touse it right away.5 Use the LINK software’s Edit-Copy com-mand to copy the image to the clipboard(Figure 5).6 In the application where you want to pastethe image, specify the location where youwant to paste the image and then executethe Paste commandThe menu shown in Figure 6 can also be pasted into a graphic application and edited. Savedimages can then be used inside of text.Figure 5 Copying an Image to the ClipboardFigure 6 Cutting an Image from the Menu Screen