11OPERATING YOUR CM 4012 COFFEE MAKERThe indicator light will lit. Use the /buttons to set the ratio of the groundedcoffee to water in the range from 1:10 to1:20. Press the button or wait till thedata on the display will stop flashing.NOTEBy the ratio of the grounded coffeeto water, you set the intensity ofthe brewed coffee. The ratio of 1:10represents strong coffee. If you wishcoffee of less intensity, increase theratio between the grounded coffeeand water.8. Press the button to turn the coffeemaker on. The button will start to flash,and the coffee maker will start to heatup the water. The display will show theactual water temperature in the watertank while heating.9. You can check the set temperature,coffee-to-water ratio, or coffee volume byrotating the knob while brewing.10. Once the water temperature reaches theset temperature, the coffee maker willstop heating and start to slowly dispensewater through the opening hole in thecentre of the water tank bottom. There isa rotary mechanism under the openinghole which will rotate while dispensingwater to evenly brew the groundedcoffee.11. After a while, the coffee maker willstop dispensing water and the coffee isbrewed for about 30 seconds.12. Then, the water dispensing starts again,and the coffee maker will repeat thisprocess until the total amount of waterweighs more than the grounded coffee inthe ratio you set.13. Once the adequate amount of water hasbeen dispensed, the rotary mechanismwill stop. The display will show the totalcoffee amount.14. Wait until all coffee has dropped downinto the carafe, then carefully remove thefi lters, and place the stainless-steel filterinto the holder where you leave it to cooldown.WARNING!The stainless-steel filter, brewedgrounded coffeeand carafe arevery hot. Pay moreattention whenhandling, not to getscalded.DELAY START OF THE COFFEEMAKER – AUTOMATIC BREWINGCOFFEE1. Follow the 1. – 6. steps from the“Automatic coffee brewing” part.2. Turn the rotary knob to the “Program”position and the display will show thelast delay start setting.3. Use the / buttons to set the timewhen the coffee maker starts brewing.Follow the same steps as settingthe clock. Press the button forconfi rmation.4. Press the button to turn on the coffeemaker and the delay start function. Thedisplay will show “AUTO” and “PROG”.That means the correct setting of thedelay start. After a while, the coffeemaker will show the actual time and the