131. Press the P icon to enter the programmingmenu;2. Press the or icon until “Coffeetemperature” is displayed;3. Press the OK icon;4. Press the or icon until the requiredtemperature (O = low; OOOO = high) isdisplayed;5. Press the OK icon to confirm;6. Press the ESC icon to exit the menu.Setting water hardnessFor instructions on setting water hardness, seepage 21.BeepThis enables or disables the beep emitted bythe machine each time an icon is pressed oran accessory is inserted/removed. The beep isactive by default.1. Press the P button to enter the menu;2. Press the or icon until “Beep enabled”is displayed;3. Press the OK icon. “Disable?” is displayed;4. Press the OK icon to disable the beep. “BeepDisabled” is displayed;5. Press the ESC icon to exit the programmingmenu.Statistics functionThis displays statistics relating to the machine.To display, proceed as follows:1. Press the P icon to enter the programmingmenu;2. Press the or icon until “Statistics” isdisplayed;3. Press the OK icon;4. By pressing the or icon, you cancheck:- how many coffees have been made;- the total of drinks with milk made(CAPPUCCINO, MACCHIATO, CAFFELATTE,MILK);- how many times the machine has beendescaled;- the total number of litres of water delivered;5. Press the ESC icon twice to exit the menu.Default values (reset)This resets all menu settings and programmedquantities back to the default values (with theexception of the language which remains asset).1. Press the P icon to enter the menu;2. Press the or icon until “Default Values”is displayed;3. Press the OK icon;4. The message “Confirm?” is now displayed.5. Press the OK icon to confirm and exit.MAKING COFFEESelecting the coffee tasteThe appliance is set by default to make coffeewith a standard taste.You can choose one of these tastes:Extra-mild tasteMild tasteStandard tasteStrong tasteExtra-strong tasteTo change the taste, press the icon (fig. 7)repeatedly until the required taste is displayed.Selecting the quantity of coffee in the cupThe appliance is set by default to make a standardquantity of coffee.To select the quantity of coffee, press theicon (fig. 8) repeatedly until the messagecorresponding to the required quantity of coffeeis displayed:CorrespondingcoffeeESPRESSO(ml)LONGCOFFEE(ml)MY COFFEE program.from 20 to180program.from 20 to250SHORT 40 125STANDARD 60 175LONG 90 210EXTRA LONG 120 250Customising the espresso “my coffee”quantityThe appliance is set by default to automaticallydeliver 30 ml of “my coffee”. To modify thesesettings, proceed as follows:The appliance is